Monday, February 28, 2011

Another 4am

Sleep continues to evade me.  I do not like this sam I am!

Also my mother reads my blog & she thinks whaInging is a swear (cuz she couldn't possibly have meant damn or shit).  For my mother I apologize, I can not however promise not to repeat the sentiment.  I write like I talk, bad spelling, improper grammar & all.  On occasion when I feel strongly I am not opposed to an expletive or two.  Part of the package deal.

This day was pretty futile.  What vertical time I got ended up being supremely painful & in the end rather futile.  I accept this and hope for a better day tomorrow.  This pinched nerve does not like: streching, walking, laying down, sitting, driving, standing, sleeping, moving, staying still, breathing......and before anyone brings it up NO I have not & am not going to the doctor.  (That's a capitol period btw)

Gonna go take a benadryl an asprin and maybe a soma now.  Along with a LOT of water so that I actually wake up when Oscar starts yelling good morning in a couple hours.

Live long & prosper.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can't Sleep

Ever since we got home from Quartzsite I've had a pinched nerve that puts a hitch in my gate.  Most times it's an annoyance, sometimes it's painful, at least once it's caused me to faceplant.  I've developed a HUGE appreciation for my electric hot pad.  Tonight it's WHAiNGING!!!!!!  I know that's not a word & I don't care.  It conveys the intent.  I hate to post when I'm less than my best *cause I'll whine*  but I'm up & thinking, and VERY happy to distract myself.

Scott & I are full of thoughts about our retirement strategy ever since the RV show.  It's a constant thought process but some very large points of interest were brought to our attention.  I'm pretty sure we're a salesman's nightmare cuz we're years away from buying & we're OVER researching.  When the time comes we will sell the house, CONSOLIDATE, and move forward with minimal trepidation.  In the meantime we shall dither grandly & ask too many questions.  But since neither of us is at all fond of buying new, and we could end up retiring any time now (dependent on how hard either of us is willing to work while we're retired) knowing what's on the market, and what we like is of value.  I personally don't see either of us pulling up stakes for several years.  We both like our jobs & don't completely hate where we live.  Between now & then we shall CAMP!

Thanks to this twinge in my leg/back & a nasty bug I've been pretty miserable lately.  Missed 2 days of work this week I hate losing the money (damn all of you lucky shits who have paid sick leave!!!)  but I hate pain worse.  Fran & I are still trying to figure out how to tell each other that we're making the other one miserable by being miserable.  It's just too codependent of a relationship not to effect each other.  We come up with a new way to say "I love you, but you're making me hate life" every week.  Guess that's a lot healthier, and probably not as professional as most places.  It seems to work for us.  We have mastered the hand sanitizer/disinfectant ritual that seems to keep us from making each other ill.  If only we could teach all the other people who invade our space to also respect our ritual.

Tomorrow Scott and I are either (1) piecing together Oscar's BIG cage (2) replacing the fuse & putting miles on my car so it can pass inspection (3) (and since it's now almost 4am most likely) Not putting on pants (other than pjs).  All of these options sound amazing to me in comparison to how I spent valentines & the weekend after (ill).  Also I found a recipe tonight for buttermilk waffles that have cheese baked into the crust.  Y'all know how I feel about burnt cheese.

Live long & prosper

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back to "Normal"

Sort of....
Valentines was not quite the nightmare it usually is, but I caught a bug that's had me off kilter all week.  Fortunately it was the weekend so I didn't miss too much work.  Friday I loaded up on cold pills so Scott & I could wander the RV show.  It was well worth the effort.  We're not in the market to buy one just now, but since we will probably buy something used in a few years it doesn't hurt at all to keep track of what's selling right now.  Also it's fun. We found an RV that felt like home.  In a few years when we're to a buying place for a big 5th Wheel I won't pout a bit if we can get a Montana 3750 FL.  It's a pretty big trailer at 38' feet, and we'll need a bigger truck to tow it, but as a full time home it seems about right.  We've seen several other things that would work (some quite a bit smaller), and there's plenty of time to change our minds yet.

Oscar & I are listening to the Pandora Beauty & the Beast channel.  He LOVES to sing along with Disney songs, it's pretty entertaining.  Tonight we worked on refinishing his BIG cage.  It's a hand me down we inherited from Matt when he moved out of his house.  It's home made & had some rough edges & rusty spots I wanted to clean up before we paint it.  Compared to his current cages it's HUGE.  I'm hoping that new territory & being able to watch animal planet when he's home alone will help him be a happier boy.  He's not been very good lately & got himself uninvited from Tulip Tree for a while.  Dunno what to call this "stage" in his development, but I can't wait for us to grow out of it!

Not too much more worth mentioning, doesn't help that I'm pretty much exhausted after my first "normal" day back at work & then working on Oscar's project.

Live Long & Prosper

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Survived.

Valentines is over.  It was even a little bit fun.  I'm still glad it doesn't happen more often. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

bright & shiny

Tonight I'm a pretty happy girl.  Tomorrow is pretty much guaranteed to be a good day.  Ashley's putting some sort of fun color in my hair (I'm letting her be creative & I nearly always love what she comes up with).  We're supposed to receive our first box of roses tomorrow, the first of many.  So work will be busy and likely crazy all day.  I'm also invited to a henna party tomorrow night.  It's a silly thing I've almost talked myself out of attending twice, but now Emily (my cousin) is coming with & DRIVING. 

Dunno if I've shared how much I HATE driving in the's a weird thing. I should prolly have my eyes checked, but you know how I am; I'll have it done next time I'm at that doctor...when I can't avoid it anymore.

Anyhow, knowing Em there will be pictures of the party (she's sorta awesome at that).  I'll link or share them.

Valentines looms on our horizon...we're pre-greening vases for the first time in Tulip Tree's history. At Highland Floral (you know the bad place that wasn't actually on highland but kept the name) we pre-made whole arrangements and then wrapped them & didn't check them before shipping out (I hated it, cuz closed up arrangements often mold quickly).  However pre-greening seems like a good idea since the greens are in water instead of stacked in a box, and nothings wrapped up in magic green paper.  We'll see, there's definitely no worry of sending out scary product, since things are checked twice before they leave the store.

Life's feeling pretty balanced and RIGHT lately, I never know rather to just enjoy this feeling or worry about what's coming along to knock me off kilter. 

Perhaps my off kilter is already here since my back's scaring the heck out'a me.  Last time it was this painful and unpredictable I ended up needing a wheelchair.  Since Lynn's using "my" chair, I'm pretty determined NOT to need it.  Besides, I LIKE being able to walk, and maintaining that's worth a quite a bit of effort.  Only had one bad fall so far, so I'm holding out hope for control.

Tonight, somehow, is a nice mellow place. I'm enjoying it.
Be well.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Picking up Speed

This week is quite possibly my least favorite of the whole year.  Valentines Day is a swear word in my dictionary (also low fat, duh that usually just means they added a BUNCH of sugar to cover the weird low fat taste, but that's another rant).  We nearly kill ourselves making REALLY boring arrangements, and getting them all delivered to recipients whom are generally unexcited to receive them.  It's simply what's expected. TShe sheer amount of money that people will spend to get a vase of long stem Red roses that will be dead within a week DISGUSTS ME!  Put some thought and money into a meaningful gift that you actually thought about.  Good grief!  It's my job, and I'll take your money, but I get to think you're REALLY STUPID while I'm doing it.

Tomorrow is the 1st anniversary of our shop fire.  None of us is exactly certain how to deal with that.  It's not exactly something to celebrate...but it's turned out to be a cathartic experience for all.

Watched New Moon last night.  It totally met all of my sucked.  But so do the books.  Can't see why they have such a following.

Gonna go veg on the couch for a bit before I go to bed (didn't sleep well the last couple nights).
Peace & Hope

I may be unreasibable, but I usually have my reasons.

typed this up the other night and somehow it didn't finish posting. sorry y'all.

I feel like I've been non communicative and overflowing with negative energy lately.  I'm working to overcome both of those things, but it's a big project so try to be patient.

There's nothing much new to report.  Scott is also paying the price for cleaning out the garage last weekend, his back is out, and neither of us is worth much.  So we've done a lot of resting, which while very restorative is also a little boring.

Work's been borderline killing me all week, and thanks to a nasty fall I missed work Thursday.  I really hope it all gets better after VDay.

Mom had an appointment with her tumor Doc and an MRI today, he says it looks the same as it did in July, so YIPPEE!

We've had a lot of fun teasing and playing with kitties during our downtime, and I'm pretty much convinced that Sider's even more "special" than we first believed.  That or Yahz & Spazz are just getting less entertaining in their old age.  Don't think he ever had people that played cat games with him before us.  He LOVES to play, and is always AMAZED when we know about cat games.  Yesterday i watched him flop down on top of/behind Yahzi (who was having a sunshine nap) and then proceed to bit his neck...Yahzi just looked at me then yowled but didn't bother moving.  I very much got the impression that he was saying "MOM, he's doing it again.  I'm sick of him.  I told him no & he's STILL doing it"  Since Yahz is twice the size of Sider and could easily squish him like a pancake if he wanted the whole scene was rather comical.  Sider keeps dragging odd toys (usually the Nanna Lynn christmas kitty present variety) out of the secret kitty stashing places that they've stored in & for years.  I find an old toy prominently displayed in the middle of the floor next to an exhausted and very happy Sider on a regular basis.  Guess what I'm saying is that I'm glad he found us.  He's an adorable piece of this fur & feathers family of ours.

Oscar's standing atop my computer purring.  I far prefer purring to screaming.  All the same I should probably stop typing and give him some real attention for a few minutes.
Live Long & Prosper.