And that's what I'm desperately trying to do. Opened my email tonight, 2 job turn downs. Funny thing is one of them actually sighted lack of computer skills as their reason for declining. I doubt they even opened my resume. Whatever! right? I can't fix them. And that's only 2 of the 20 I've applied for this week, so I'm not gonna get upset or depressed about it.
I've had a migraine 3 of the last 5 days. It's completely stress induced, that and the sinus thing from this stupid cold I'm getting over. I hate how my screwed up spine can just ruin what should be a productive good day for me. But I'm whining now, so I'm moving on.
This morning Oscar proved that he knows what "good morning" means, other than 'feed me now'. He's been screaming and yelling "peekaboo" when he wants it to be breakfast time and i'm not quite there yet. But today I actually beat him up (no not like that, I was awake before him) and when I uncovered his cage the cutest little happy bird popped up and said "good morning". Almost makes it worth getting up early. Except that when I left the room he started screaming "peekaboo" at me. He's gotten spoiled with all the time I'm spending in HIS room (the cleaned out spare bedroom/office is now his domain). I think he's learning words and behaviors faster with all the attention though. Just wait till I get that fabulous full time high salary job that's coming (positive energy surge), he'll be the neglected abused baby again. That is other than the cat's attention. Spazz has taught him three of her meows. I think he'll end up speaking some weird hybrid bird/cat/people language before long. She must sit by the cage when I'm gone, cuz his meows sound more like hers than mine (yes I do meow, learned it the same place he did). We are a pack/flock...plock....flack...pfock....somethin. At least I'm still Alpha.
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow FINALLY! With all the business and Ashley's full schedule I'm starting to look rather shaggy. Shaggy & NORMAL COLORED that's the worst part. I really hope I can settle back into being my bright self in my next job. I'm looking forward to a visit with Ashley, she really is more friend than anything at this point hope she never stops doing hair, cuz I'd be screwed.
For those who keep track: Dad checked in this morning (those who don't get it can just skip this part) He's busy, but took time between meetings/events to check with me. He likes Scott's truck, and it's okay to sell his, he'll still be with us on our adventures (knowing he's busy I don't think of it as he's actually "there" on our adventures, just that he glances at the highlights and keeps an eye out for problems) I have been having a conflict about letting go of the truck, but he showed up driving a big white beast that somehow still kinda looked like his chevy. And he had a huge grin on his face as he climbed out (and the best part is his bad hip limp was no where in sight).
He also took time to pop the hood on my car (one of those strange moments where I suddenly was in a car, but not any familiar car) and tell me that I needed to check the oil because it was gonna be bad if I didn't. Got the feeling that this wasn't specifically directed at me (though I'm checking the oil in every vehicle I own just in case) but for someone else who he knew I'd get the message to. SO EVERYBODY, CHECK YOUR OIL, something about burning up the engine... he usually doesn't get into daily details like that so it must be pretty important.
If one of you does learn something important because of or whilst checking you oil let me know (I'll feel slightly less crazy)! Otherwise I'll just keep trusting that his advice got to the right person and prevented a problem. I guess I don't mind being crazy if it means I still get to talk to him once in a while, even though sometimes I don't get to remember the details. He gave me one of his famous hugs this time, I'm happy to share that one with you all too, he would.
I had other things to chatter about, but I'm smiling and crying at the same time now, and that seems like an awfully good note to end on. Also the husband thinks that I'm neglecting him with all the time I'm spending in here with the computer and bird. I'll chatter tomorrow.
Love y'all!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Too Much Squidbillies
We are officially broken...that's nothin' new (as those who love us can attest) but I'm sayin' it now lest ye claim I didn't warn ya.
Many of you know we became proud owners of a 98 Dodge Dually 1 Ton back on February 9th. I'm considering it Scotty's Valentines present, for the next 30 years. No, we couldn't really "afford" it. However, Scotty knows this dude that blew his leg off and got some money from the insurance folks, and he's pretty lenient in his loan terms, and he likes us and all that...(fact is he talked himself into spending some of his "flying" money on it (Mari does the happy dance in secret and hopes Scotty never reads this).
The important thing is: my ONE condition was that the dodge not become an EGO extension (no that's not the word we always use). It IS the right vehicle to haul around my big ol' beast of a camper, and it WILL be the right thing to tow around whatever house we decide we're retiring in (the more we do it, the more it appeals as a retirement option).
So in acknowledgment of my ONE Condition, and after a Squidbillies Marathon on Cartoon network (both of us now admit to having a voice in our heads that sounds like Granny Cuyler) Scott has named the dodge "Truck Boat Truck....Wooot".
Those of you who have known me very long understand that ALL vehicles I bond with have a name. For those who are blissfully unaware of all things Squidbillies truck boat truck is the COVETED boat sandwich. A Huge Truck-towing a boat-towing a smaller truck. It's a redneck thing. Would be less apropos if our driveway looked less like a used car lot at the moment....But I'm sellin' the boat, which is in the side yard anyway, so that totally makes it okay....or somethin'. Anyhow my ONE Condition, backfired, it is now a new way for him to tease me. Guess I love him anyway.

So on a completely separate note (not): my dad's truck is for sale '96 3/4 ton Chev K series. Great truck, but not up to hauling 5,000+ lbs IN the bed on the freeway to Quartzsite, and that's become a priority. Will tow just about anything, but I love my Camper, so we got the Truck Boat Truck. Anyone know anyone who's interested (happy to keep in my family/chosen family if possible) talk to me. It's still not something I want to do, but it's time now.
I'm making small victories in the battle to have a guest room and storage too...yesterday I made enough room and found and organized enough things to bead a necklace. Major Gold Star for Mari. It's a slow battle, but I will win eventually.
Yahzi's helping me type now, poor baby has an upset tummy. & Oscar's suggesting dialog. So I'm gonna go be a good pet mom for a few minutes.
Ya'll Take Care, I love Ya!
Many of you know we became proud owners of a 98 Dodge Dually 1 Ton back on February 9th. I'm considering it Scotty's Valentines present, for the next 30 years. No, we couldn't really "afford" it. However, Scotty knows this dude that blew his leg off and got some money from the insurance folks, and he's pretty lenient in his loan terms, and he likes us and all that...(fact is he talked himself into spending some of his "flying" money on it (Mari does the happy dance in secret and hopes Scotty never reads this).
The important thing is: my ONE condition was that the dodge not become an EGO extension (no that's not the word we always use). It IS the right vehicle to haul around my big ol' beast of a camper, and it WILL be the right thing to tow around whatever house we decide we're retiring in (the more we do it, the more it appeals as a retirement option).
So in acknowledgment of my ONE Condition, and after a Squidbillies Marathon on Cartoon network (both of us now admit to having a voice in our heads that sounds like Granny Cuyler) Scott has named the dodge "Truck Boat Truck....Wooot".
Those of you who have known me very long understand that ALL vehicles I bond with have a name. For those who are blissfully unaware of all things Squidbillies truck boat truck is the COVETED boat sandwich. A Huge Truck-towing a boat-towing a smaller truck. It's a redneck thing. Would be less apropos if our driveway looked less like a used car lot at the moment....But I'm sellin' the boat, which is in the side yard anyway, so that totally makes it okay....or somethin'. Anyhow my ONE Condition, backfired, it is now a new way for him to tease me. Guess I love him anyway.

So on a completely separate note (not): my dad's truck is for sale '96 3/4 ton Chev K series. Great truck, but not up to hauling 5,000+ lbs IN the bed on the freeway to Quartzsite, and that's become a priority. Will tow just about anything, but I love my Camper, so we got the Truck Boat Truck. Anyone know anyone who's interested (happy to keep in my family/chosen family if possible) talk to me. It's still not something I want to do, but it's time now.
I'm making small victories in the battle to have a guest room and storage too...yesterday I made enough room and found and organized enough things to bead a necklace. Major Gold Star for Mari. It's a slow battle, but I will win eventually.
Yahzi's helping me type now, poor baby has an upset tummy. & Oscar's suggesting dialog. So I'm gonna go be a good pet mom for a few minutes.
Ya'll Take Care, I love Ya!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Calm Amidst The Storm
I've promised Scotty not to become the insane blogger who writes down every detail of their day. So in posting two days in a row I put myself at risk of breaking that promise, but...I'm gonna anyway. Partly cuz I've been amazed at how many people followed the link and gave me encouragement. I really didn't mean to sound so down...but I was. And today I'm not. So I'll post a happy note.
I'm sitting comfy on the couch with the bird being quiet for once, a kitty snuggled on my feet, and a fresh from the oven orange chocolate chip oatmeal cookie in my hand. That has to make top ten on the happy places list. Slept in, woke up not miserable from my cold, went to lunch with Mom & Glenn *Thai Food* (I'm helping them expand their food experiences beyond golden coral and maddox, not that those don't rock).
Mom saw her radiation doctor today (apparently this is going to happen every monday while she's having radiation) he's pleased with how the treatment is going, not too much radiation in her lungs and heart, lots in the tumor. She's doing well, the only major symptom she's having yet is fatigue. That may change later, but for now, she's doing well and doesn't need the steroids they thought they might need to give her. Hopefully things continue on as they are. Glenn isn't working this week and so will shuffle her back and forth in the bad weather, that helps me worry less. Also Glenn's son Brian says they can track and write off the miles they have to drive for her treatment. So yippee.
Anyhow, good day. Found out I'm still in the running for the job I really want over at the college (applied back in december for it, but hiring there works slowly Scott says) so that's good too. Scotty got to go to a big IT, Engineering, CS, meeting where nothing exploded and he didn't get fired, so that's good too. Poor boy, he really hates having to deal with drama. Can't say I blame him.
And now I plan to grab another cookie, pour a drink and sit back to watch some random movie on hulu...or tv, I am in front of the tv and the laptop speakers suck. Should have taken the usb speakers Russ offered me....anyhow I am now blogging every tiny thought, and i promised not to do that. So I'm stopping. I shall not post again until ...Friday....probably.
Live Long and Prosper!
I'm sitting comfy on the couch with the bird being quiet for once, a kitty snuggled on my feet, and a fresh from the oven orange chocolate chip oatmeal cookie in my hand. That has to make top ten on the happy places list. Slept in, woke up not miserable from my cold, went to lunch with Mom & Glenn *Thai Food* (I'm helping them expand their food experiences beyond golden coral and maddox, not that those don't rock).
Mom saw her radiation doctor today (apparently this is going to happen every monday while she's having radiation) he's pleased with how the treatment is going, not too much radiation in her lungs and heart, lots in the tumor. She's doing well, the only major symptom she's having yet is fatigue. That may change later, but for now, she's doing well and doesn't need the steroids they thought they might need to give her. Hopefully things continue on as they are. Glenn isn't working this week and so will shuffle her back and forth in the bad weather, that helps me worry less. Also Glenn's son Brian says they can track and write off the miles they have to drive for her treatment. So yippee.
Anyhow, good day. Found out I'm still in the running for the job I really want over at the college (applied back in december for it, but hiring there works slowly Scott says) so that's good too. Scotty got to go to a big IT, Engineering, CS, meeting where nothing exploded and he didn't get fired, so that's good too. Poor boy, he really hates having to deal with drama. Can't say I blame him.
And now I plan to grab another cookie, pour a drink and sit back to watch some random movie on hulu...or tv, I am in front of the tv and the laptop speakers suck. Should have taken the usb speakers Russ offered me....anyhow I am now blogging every tiny thought, and i promised not to do that. So I'm stopping. I shall not post again until ...Friday....probably.
Live Long and Prosper!
Monday, February 16, 2009
I try not to think about what I can't change, just to take the cards I'm dealt and do my best. This week that's not easy. I got a phone call from my boss this morning as I was heading to work...happy shiny "you don't need to come in today we're closing"...this only strengthens my doubts about my job. #1 goal for the week is now to find a different job...they just aren't making good business decisions. I really have tried being loyal to them, and have got backstabbing and double talk back. So I'm done. I'll work all the hours they give me (less than 6 this week) and avidly seek something/anything else. That sucks. Add that to the stress Scott's having at work (won't share cuz he doesn't like me even mentioning his existence online), and there's a big part of my brain that's having a panic. I do NOT want to change our whole lifestyle and become truck drivers. Besides, KITTIES. Duh.
So besides that we're both sick. Scott came down with this bug saturday and now I have it, itchy eyes, runny nose, caughing, aches, upsets, grrrrrr really glad mom's not here this week. I worry about her getting sick with all the stress on her immune system from the radiation.
Just talked with mom. Glenn's driving her tomorrow, through the storm, and that puts me more at ease. Really wish there was a way to have her not worry about being at home to check on grandpa, but if she must I'm glad Glenn's driving.
Russ has me craving carving...might rip into my walking stick this week just for fun...might be messy but calming. Really craving the calm things this week.
Ya'll stay healthy and happy! (yes Judy that's an absolute rip off, but i love it)
So besides that we're both sick. Scott came down with this bug saturday and now I have it, itchy eyes, runny nose, caughing, aches, upsets, grrrrrr really glad mom's not here this week. I worry about her getting sick with all the stress on her immune system from the radiation.
Just talked with mom. Glenn's driving her tomorrow, through the storm, and that puts me more at ease. Really wish there was a way to have her not worry about being at home to check on grandpa, but if she must I'm glad Glenn's driving.
Russ has me craving carving...might rip into my walking stick this week just for fun...might be messy but calming. Really craving the calm things this week.
Ya'll stay healthy and happy! (yes Judy that's an absolute rip off, but i love it)
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