Scotty's fever only ran 24 hours, and he's feeling much better (yay). He was able to strap his sticky leg on and stuporvise the cement pouring. Thanks to Glenn and his magical troweling skills, we have a BEAUTIFUL cement pad in the back yard. I'd post a picture of that, but I'm guessing none of y'all would find it nearly as exciting as we do. Got exciting for a little while, just as he got everything smoothed out the sky cracked open and POURED. Fortunately Scott had gone to the store for a BIG tarp earlier and we were able to get things tented over JUST in time. We then spent the next hour poking and prodding and keeping the cement dry while Glenn got it finished. Now all Scotty has to do is build a shed....lol.
Seems like I've posted nearly every day this week. I think I'll take a break this weekend unless I get better pictures of the grooming with the other cats. Oscar's over there giggling. Wonder where he learned that? Giggling, meowing, and the other day he said "give me one" can't tell if that's his version of a Mucuey word or his own creation. I don't think I say that much.
Ooooh Spazz has come to forgive. I must go be snuggly now.
Y'all take care & have a good weekend.
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