Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oh What A World We Live In!

Today was Stephie's princess day. I believe she had a fantastic day & I am oh so happy to have helped pull it off. Mom came down a day early and helped me kick butt and take names on all the tiny details that she's OH SO Fantastic at seeing. I've always said that if she ever quits her job I'm gonna move up there and take over...but honestly I don't think I could do what she does. She is amazing. Junior (steph's husband, gosh isn't that a fun thing to say finally) is one of the funnest guys I've met and I can definitely see why Steph loves him.

Unfortunately I did NOT get a chance to take pictures...too much else going on. However the reception hall, the cake lady, and the photographer (steph's co worker) are all fantastic professionals and got pictures. I intend to grovel for copies because I DEFINITELY want this one in my portfolio.

I LOVED seeing so many familiar faces... mnnkay maybe I only knew about 10 people at the whole wedding. But I LOVE the Lambs and have missed them so it felt like coming home. Heidi JUSTINE *she always made me call her that* is a darling, John is a daddy (:, Bart is as sweet as he always was, and Carl...well at least once tonight my mind went blank & I told him he was cute...he's just so big and handsome I couldn't help it. Wasn't he supposed to stay that adorable little guy with the BIG blue eyes forever? He grew into his eyes folks, and they're just as adorable as they ever were. *blush* Steve & Dawn still feel like my other parents even though I haven't seen them for years. They are all so THEM and I sorta felt like curling up there in that moment to enjoy being at HOME again. I guess I did spend nearly as much time at their house growing up as I did at my own.

I remember when dad died one of the hardest phone calls I made was to Steve. He was dad's friend, but also another kind of parent to me. Poor guy pulled off the road on his way to work in order to concentrate & make sure I was ok. I don't remember a lot of the details from that day, but that one is crystal clear.

Diane and John Knight were also there tonight. I didn't get much time to visit, but golly was it fun to see them! I just can't think of Diane without picturing her in her Queen B do rag from girls camp our beehive year. I do believe that part of my camping 'attitude' came from her example...that reminds me I must get her to demonstrate the exact knot sequence to create that hat. It was AWESOME.

Fran did two weddings on her own today. Proving the point that it never rains but it POURS. Fortunately all of our people came in and helped out and I didn't get any panic calls so hopefully all went well. I suppose it was some sort of radical preparation for me being gone over the summer. I hope they still need me come Monday. LOL. We've decided that even if the city won't let us move for the dreaded M day (they're being fussy about permits) we're going to at least set up a table and store finished arrangements down there. There is just NOT room for them and us in the temporary place. We're probably gonna be using tents out front to work under just to get things done.

Glenn was down to check on us today. He stopped by Anderson Cove on his way home and apparently chatted with a few of my friends.

Don if you read this I lost your phone # and have had no way to talk to you in order to get your sound card to you! Please do NOT give me a cart with flat tires and a dead battery! I didn't do it on purpose. My supreme talent for dropping my phone and getting it wet did all the work for me. The card's loaded & I have it ready! I wanted to mail it after christmas, but had no way to get it to you. I was VERY relieved when Carla said you'd be back this summer. I owe ya for the screw up, but please don't mess up WONDER CART worse than it already is! I work pretty hard not to hit the rocks as it is! (notice how the front wheels point different directions, that's pretty unpredictable on gravel). I've missed ya & I look forward to seeing your well behaved parrots showing off.

I am having a terrible/wonderful time transitioning from one world I LOVE into another...I'm pretty sure I'll spend the summer MISSING Tulip Tree and LOVING the campground. At least I'll be able to call Fran and vicariously experience the tulip tree. I really hope Adda follows through on her promise to visit. She's a tough little thing & I would love to spend some time with her when she's got nothin' better to do than fish.

Today was such a good day, I hurt so bad I can't think, but I can't stop smiling. It's great. Besides, I have ibuprofen and Yahzi snuggles, how can I complain? Also I gave Tiandra (no idea if that's even close to the spelling) our neighbor child (mike & andrea's) the extra corsages from today and the smile on her face was totally validating for how crazy everything was. I know I'm broken, but I've accepted it, and no one else pointed it out today. Well except mom, and she does it with sympathy and love. She stayed over because both of us were COMPLETELY exhausted and couldn't even think far enough to drive a few miles let alone 100. So tomorrow we'll have breakfast sort out all our accessories, share a few smiling tears about Daddy & enjoy a slow morning. I'm kinda looking forward to it.

That's way more than I thought I'd come up with tonight! Hope it makes sense to anyone else!
Peace love and kitty snuggs!

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