Friday, October 1, 2010

A new Adventure

Today our little family signed up a new member.  My friend Colorado is gonna move into Oscar's room and be our tenant.  I hope he can stand us!  It's a short term thing to help him save up cash to get his own place.  He had a nasty hit & run motorcycle accident last week that's left him with pins & plates in his right foot, and a future that's full of crutches for a few weeks.  You can begin to see why we're sympathetic.  It's quite strange for Scott & I to accept someone else into our house, but for some reason I feel like it's the right thing to do.  I learned years ago to just trust that feeling and not fuss the details.  Karma catches up with everyone, and if it doesn't damage me to help I'm gonna.

Oscar already has a unique relationship with Colorado, so they're probably gonna get along great.  Rado spoils the Oscar, and doesn't put up with biting or screaming. If they can't get along Oscar will be moving into the bathroom.....I'm crossing my fingers.

I am disgusted that we haven't been camping this month, but every weekend there seems to be another excuse.  It's gonna happen yet!!!! I don't care if we have to run the furnace the whole time and watch the world out the windows!  I'm looking seriously at a southern Utah trip for Adda & I.  We'll see.
Happy Friday World!!!!
Guy's doin some sort of yummy thing on the food network show Scott's watching & I want to see.

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