Sunday, November 28, 2010

And snowed....and kept snowing....

I suppose if I was in more of a homebody festive holiday mood the enforced isolation might be less annoying.  Then too I was inspired to do most of my christmas shopping online (far less possibility of migraine triggering clove pine cones that way). So not all bad.  We've watched several awesome movies this week, including Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, and the previously mentioned Anne of Green Gables. Kitties seem to be quite enjoying the company.  Oscar's had several good days in a row, lots of attention, and at one point today maneuvered himself to a dangling position over an entire bag of salted in the shell peanuts.  Fortunately his excitement got my attention and i stopped him before he could make himself ill.

I had a short visit with Lynn tonight.  She sounds more and more like herself...tired but healing.  I really am lucky that my mother in law is also one of my favorite people in the whole world.  We schemed on ways to spoil Mason (nephew/grandson), and laughed.  I'm pretty sure that's more humor than I've found in a while.  BTW, after I got off the phone I had 3 more ideas of things Mason might love, so if anyone else wants to spoil him just let me know.

I'm both dreading and looking forward to tomorrow.  If this snow keeps up it just may be a VERY interesting day.  It's always good to get back to work after a holiday.  If only the tension headache I've been fighting for weeks would back off.  Oh well, I'll cope.

Don't let the weather outside frighten ya.

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