Guess I'm panicking. I should just keep trying and perhaps stop by their office. That's a more rational goal.
Judy & I've coerced and teased Scott into going back to Quartzsite this winter. Yay! It's going to be yet again delightful. New Christy Minstrels concert, Cob Salad in Mesquite, jalapeno cheese curds, and sweet potato pancakes. And that's mostly just the food! There will be good people, unique sunsets, time to think, fireside conversations, and absolutely no expectations.
I've got a good portion of my holiday shopping done. Instead of doing universal gifts this year I've done a bit more personal tailoring. Hope that doesn't bite me! Thank goodness most of my Brown family doesn't expect a present. We set up a tradition a while ago to not do gifts, but to go out for a meal together during the year. It's amazingly non stressful. As long as we can keep Lynn out of the hospital that is. Of course we all spoil Mason. It's just so much fun, I can't resist. I may be a lack luster non participant aunt, but he's the only nephew I've got and I intend to do what I can.
There's a bunch more going on, but most of the details aren't mine to share. I'll catch y'all up on it when it's public knowledge.
Happy Solstice, hope we all find peace, hope, prosperity, and just a touch of self indulgence this season.

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