My personal theory is that the pontiacs missed each other while Scott's was visiting Matt's house & decided to remind us how much we depend on them. Because....
Today when I got to work I had the option of going or staying (it was a slow day for orders). So I ran a few errands and then decided to wander north & visit with Judy & Thom before they head north. Things were uneventful until I got off the freeway in Kaysville. My car was acting strangely & though I was able to get it off the road and parked in a safe place it was VERY clear that something was wrong. So I called Scott, we did some remote diagnostics, and I took a walk to the conveniently nearby auto parts store. I topped off the transmission fluid, and either that or the time sitting had the car acting decent so I went ahead & headed for the RV place to visit. On the way there the battery light (the warning light on the dash that is bright RED and looks like a battery) came on, so I called Scott again & we guessed that it could be any one of several things involving the alternator. I planned a back street way home & was just fine until traffic forced me onto the freeway...which was also fine....but at 3500 S. I decided to get off the freeway & take familiar side roads home. That was a really good call, since the car began behaving strangely as i exited, and stalled completely a few blocks later. Scott was on the phone with me when it stalled, & based on the symptoms brought the trailer battery, a cargo strap & his very capable self to the rescue. I really wish I'd gotten a photo of his solution before he took it back apart. He jumper cabled the trailer battery to my car battery, tied the trailer battery down with the cargo strap, tied the hood closed around the trailer battery, and then drove the car home (as quickly as possible before the trailer battery drained).
So now I'm home & safe. The pontiacs are parked next to each other equally useless. His with an unknown solution pending, mine with the battery charger running (in hopes of salvaging the battery, though it's lifespan has certainly been shortened) and a plan to swap out the alternator.
So yay, not at all boring. I've had my share of stress for a while thanks. Hopefully both cars can be repaired without too much expense & soon. I'm just VERY glad that both places I had to pull over were safe, & that at the end of the day I'm home & we think we know what's wrong.
So today I have several shiny things:
The daffodils that are blooming under my bedroom window.
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Cargo Straps |
My amazing husband who knows how to fix stuff & is willing to put a bit of effort into making things work in order to save us money. Today could have been a VERY expensive one if he hadn't been willing to figure things out.
May things be delightfully boring for us all.
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