Spring is definitely here, and once the flood threat goes down I think we're all gonna enjoy this summer. The other day a mama duck and her 12 ducklings cruised right past the door at work. She was so determined & they were all in such a hurry I just had to chase after them and snap a pic.
Yesterday on our way home from petsmart (the kitties were starving & Sider didn't have a harness to go to the vet on Wed) we saw a family of goslings that were just as cute. Gotta love baby animals.
Wednesday is vet day. We shall load all the children into the camper (it's much easier than trying to keep unhappy kitties in carriers or the car) and visit their least favorite person. She's really a pretty good vet, as long as we don't buy into all the expenditures she 'recommends'. I anticipate that Yahzi's ears will be dirty (they always are since Shadow isn't here to sit on his head and groom them anymore), Spazz will HATE the nose drops and make much noise about her abusers. Sider's a new adventure, I hope he's better behaved than Royla (who's other mom hasn't contacted me in a month & I'm letting that be, since I believe a tenative home with her in her new place is much better than being an outdoor cat at mine). Based on last nights grooming experience I have high hopes for Sider. He thought that having his belly combed was some sort of awesome game, as long as he got to claw hold my toes and threaten biting while it happened.
I recently posted a BUNCH of my camping photo's on facebook, they're all awesome but I specifically want to share this one here. I've talked about my moose, and he's a beautiful animal who I really enjoyed watching. Here's my Moosle photo. He came through Willows every Wednesday like clockwork. But I didn't get a good photo of him until I quit AL&L and camped a weekend at South Fork. Go figure.
And these other two are from Antelope Island last week. I think the rabbit's half as big as the coyote.
Happy spring y'all.
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