Just got home from a really great trip. Spent Thursday with the Christensens prepping for and attending the Famous Preston Night Rodeo, where my darling Kelcee was Jr. Queen. I can now add horse hair extensions to my resume...I have no idea where that will ever be an asset, but I've done it!
We camped in their farmyard, and then I spent Friday helping Mum finish the details and set up for a USU event. She turned plain ol' table clothes into AWESOME plaid ones.
Then we loaded up Mum's camper and we all went to Downata Hot springs for two nights. We lucked out on parking spots & weather. The willow tree between our two rigs was plenty to block the light drizzle that kept misting us, and with Glenn's truck parked against the road we had our own private world in the crowded campground. Mom & I swam for a couple hours Saturday, and the 4 of us (6 if you count Oscar & Jackie) had a lovely visit without having to cower indoors with the air conditioning.
Scott had a spectacular fall last night (it happens when you only have one leg, and mostly we're just amazed by all the things he DOES do without falling) He's black and blue & quite sore in spots, but seems otherwise undamaged. Oscar did more tumbling than Scott this trip. Poor little guy had at least 4 cage tumbles, 1 of which involved his whole cage coming apart in the company of wild farm cats. But other than a larger than usual grump, and frequent use of his favorite swear words, he's fine.
I'm headed into a high stress couple weeks at work, and really hoping for an escape weekend to camp somewhere fun for a few days & forget the drama. Going all of June without camping nearly killed me.
I'm off now to watch some of the tv we recorded while we were gone.
Live long & prosper.
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