Good golly time flies when you're busy! Sorry it's taken so long to finish this post. I still haven't gotten the pictures I took with my camera to load! Gonna try re-posting them tonight when I get home. Our trip was amazing! The drive home was uneventful, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We had lunch in Parker with Thom & Judy at one of our favorite little chinese places. It's odd that our favorite food places are scattered around the western states. Speaking of which here's a couple fun pics from our stop at our favorite spot in vegas Top of the World at Stratosphere.
We've had a grand time here in the desert, and since I've been having so much fun I've neglected my blog. I have however been taking lots of pictures so the majority of this post will be those & I will follow later with some of the adventures we've been having.

We arrived Christmas eve and enjoyed our visions of sugar plums from our cozy camper & good times with friends. I missed being home in Cache Valley for the regular green carpet and home made bbq hurrah, but this year things just weren't meant to work out that way. There were about 21 of us gathered from our eclectic desert group, most of whom were family of one of the couples who all came to their Mom & Dad’s “house” for the holiday. The food was varied, plentiful, and delicious! Judy was kind enough to share the photo's she took with me since I didn't have my camera charged & rolling yet.

I spent my first morning here lolling in the sun, reading & generally enjoying myself. Scott ran into town and did condensed tour of the vendors. It has been AWESOME having the bikes with us! So much freedom to run wherever we want whenever we want without having to beg a ride (not that there’s not always someone offering to accommodate us) or roll the whole rig. Parking is SO much easier. I’ve had a lot of fun wandering, shopping here is NOTHING like anywhere else. Here are a few snaps of random things that caught my eye.
We drove out into the desert to look at property and also to find the cheese curd guy. He’s in Brenda this year & the food’s better than ever!
It’s late, my computer’s running out of battery, and I’m having trouble posting the pictures. If this posts without them then please be patient! I’ll try again to make it work on my home computer.
Happy New Year!
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