Started back to the latest version of my job...on 2 hours of sleep... caught some sort of tummy bug this weekend and was still in the throws of it all night long. At 3am I woke out of the shallow semblance of sleep I'd been fitfully maintaining & proceeded with the tossing turning, until 6am when I gave up and went to buy a thermometer in order to determine rather I dared do my first day back at work.
The first 2 stores I tried were I ended up at Harmons with a a bag full of vitamins, cough drops, cold medicine, lysol, and a thermometer. They did not stop me to visit.
Wasn't running a fever so I dosed up and decided I was gonna make 4 hours of high intensity training work. & mostly I did. Not sure it was the best foot to start out on, but it was better than calling in sick.
Having 14 advisers to keep track of may actually turn out to be less stress on average than haveing 2 has been. I am not expected to keep track of as many details for each individual. I see a big difference in how I can help the health science students compared everyone else, but I'll get there fast & once I do I can see this being just as much fun as Jordan was. I'll very much miss having the health sci admissions gals to back me up though. My new location doesn't have much in the way of immediate backup.
After my shift today I stopped for one of the major perks of my new location. Lynn's office is between me & the closest parking! I really enjoy visiting with her, and having that resource is invaluable. She keeps alluding to retiring & I'm gonna have to buy her a cell phone to keep that line open! She's got a sick puppy right now, is doing all the responsible good things to take care of him & is still facing possible loss. It's a horrible place to be & I wish I could do more than wish and pray for her & her boy. She loves her fur children as much as I do mine & has done more than her share to take care of them. It's so hard to watch them age & suffer and weigh the balance of comfort/suffering for them. We want to keep them close & hate to watch them hurt. I really hope the ultrasound tomorrow shows something that is mendable to make him comfy.
After that visit I stopped at Arctic Circle for a Banana Caramel Shake (my cousin Austin was a very evil child & got me hooked on these this summer) & a few 79 cent corn dogs. I then stopped at the flower shop & had the first lunch buddy lunch I've had since leaving the flower shop. Adda sat down with me and filled me in on everything I've missed since Feb 14 (we don't say that word since it's a swear). They are still recovering but have mostly caught up and are getting set to make 12 bridal bouquets tomorrow for KSL's "Leap of Faith" wedding event. Depending on how things go there & how much "umph" I've got to go around I may stop over and help out a bit.
I feel much better tonight than last and hope to get some actual sleep here soon.
Live long & prosper.
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