Friday, November 30, 2012

All in your perspective.

I'm adamant about not talking politics, and when pinned down on religious views I would rather walk away than answer. But apparently there is one social taboo that I am absolutely confident expressing an opinion on.  Discrimination.  Why the hell do some people choose to base their whole association with the world on the color of someone's skin or hair, the shape of their eyes or nose, the way they vote, or where they go to church?  It's absolutely terrifying to me that some folks are that short sighted.

So I'm up on my soap box, beating my war drum and opening the flood gates of dispute.  Well for the 3 people that read this blog I am anyhow.

Yes I grew up more sheltered than most folks I know. It was a small town and I don't remember too many kids at the school being any demographic other than the one I came from...but I like to think that it wouldn't have mattered to me.  It certainly doesn't matter now.  I mean if I see an Asian guy rob a store with a switchblade I'm gonna put that in the police report just like I'd tell them what color car he drove.  We can't help seeing our differences, but we don't have to let them be boundaries. 

Earlier today I had a wonderful conversation with a colleague who started in Columbia and for entirely unknown reasons now lives in Utah & fixes computers in my office.  We discussed books, the weather and several other topics while waiting for the machines to do their thing.  During this conversation she expressed delight that I could understand her (her accent was strong, but with a bit of patience on both sides we had no problem communicating).

While talking books she asked if I ever read anything in Spanish...I had to remind myself that months ago when we first met (she was headed to a job interview and I gave directions) She asked in Spanish I answered in English.  I explained to her that I've only had basic Latin from high school which allows me to guess at the meaning but I'm not able to speak or read Spanish.  She laughed at this and told me that's the same problem she has reading books in English, there are just too many details that don't come through when you don't think in that language.

I have had similar conversations with folks from many cultures (my collection of personalities is expanding delightfully).  Far too often I see these same people being ignored, talked down to, or criticized as unintelligent by folks who aught to look to them as examples.  It takes bravery to move into and try to learn (I will not defend those who move to Utah and then throw me an attitude when I don't greet them in their native tongue) all the social customs of an entirely new society.

So that's one perspective I admire, appreciate, and love.  I probably ought to stop there...if I wander into politics and religion I may just alienate what few readers I have and I love you all too much to do that.

Rant over.

Peace, love, and laughter.

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