Thursday, April 24, 2014

Buisy being a kitty.

Kitty says you don't need to go anywhere, just stay right here, I'll hold you down.
Yahzi is very happy to have me home.  Also he likes the new rug I got.
Ducky LOVED the toys I brought home from the desert.
Spazzy missed me.
Yahzi's safe place.
So no updates, I haven't done anything much other than hang out with my fur people.  I've been trying to catch up on house chores and yard work.

This year I'm trying for a few containers of berries and lettuces.  Hopefully they thrive & we have nummy fresh home grown food this summer.  Perhaps I'll even put in a tomato for Scotty.

Yesterday Mom, Glenn, & I went to the US Foods open house out at the expo center.  3 hours of eating tasty things one bite at a time as we wandered the room.  It was fun, but exhausting.  We found a few new products for Phat Jack's.  Glenn's headed out in a few weeks to cater for a Time Life photography tour.  Chicago to LA along rout 66.  It will be very interesting to see how things go.  Mom, Jack-jack & I are sitting out on this adventure.  We're both in house purging mode & hoping to bring order to our universe.

Today I spent a few hours at Tulip Tree, it's so good to be back home.  Tomorrow I get to go in and finish the corsages I'm making.  I'll post pics.

Live Long & Prosper!

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