It's been a rather uninteresting few days.
I've done some cleaning, carving, and applied for jobs. Scott's been drilling holes in the engine of Truck Boat Truck and installing his gauges. We hope to get in a camping trip real soon.
Oscar has decided that flying is FUN and now spends as much time as he's allowed going from one part of the living room to another, sometimes from one end of the house to the other, and is currently experimenting with carrying things in his beak while he flies. The cat's are fascinated.
Went to lunch with Lynn today, always fun, but especially useful today because she's coaching me on applying for a job in her department. Will be waddling about with all fingers and toes crossed for a while here. It would be a really good opportunity for me.
Mom went back to work yesterday, three hours was plenty for her, but she did well. Hopefully things improve from here on in and she can get back to doing what she loves. I think she's missed work.
Grandpa's off oxygen (with the doctors permission this time) and is doing well. Worst part of the whole deal is that he can't have popcorn anymore.
Like I said uneventful. Kinda nice. I'm enjoying the calm.
Live long and prosper!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
AND duh, like I'd type anything I didn't want you to read *hacker boy*
*KIRK I OWE YA* (that boy got mad skills).
And as Scott says, The motorcycle rescue Squad was AWESOME *way more than I expected*
p.s. I have eucalyptus where do you want it? I'll get more, say the word!!!!!!!
AND duh, like I'd type anything I didn't want you to read *hacker boy*
*KIRK I OWE YA* (that boy got mad skills).
And as Scott says, The motorcycle rescue Squad was AWESOME *way more than I expected*
p.s. I have eucalyptus where do you want it? I'll get more, say the word!!!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
No Bus, Just Fuss
And really not that bad. Or maybe that's all the helium & latex fumes I inhaled today talking. Either way, I'm feeling pretty buoyant tonight.
Could be the 3 hour carving session I had this afternoon in the sunshine. It was wonderful, until my hands went numb from cold :). But I got a lot of the spirals on the bottom of my stick started, I'll post a picture when I have them finished. That's been a fun starter project, and I've really enjoyed all the time I've spent (even the blisters I've earned) learning from the process.
Also got in some fun visit time with Oscar's alter ego, Oscar the dog (our neighbors' puppy). He true to form, started his visit by running for Scott's sticky leg and trying to knock him over.
Bird brain is helping me type now, and I really don't want to clean poop out of my keyboard. Yes, BIRD SHIT, ewwwwwww. Doesn't smell, and isn't anything like changing diapers, so consider before you have a fit. Anyhow, gonna go, and be attentive for a while.
Keep on the sunny side!
Could be the 3 hour carving session I had this afternoon in the sunshine. It was wonderful, until my hands went numb from cold :). But I got a lot of the spirals on the bottom of my stick started, I'll post a picture when I have them finished. That's been a fun starter project, and I've really enjoyed all the time I've spent (even the blisters I've earned) learning from the process.
Also got in some fun visit time with Oscar's alter ego, Oscar the dog (our neighbors' puppy). He true to form, started his visit by running for Scott's sticky leg and trying to knock him over.
Bird brain is helping me type now, and I really don't want to clean poop out of my keyboard. Yes, BIRD SHIT, ewwwwwww. Doesn't smell, and isn't anything like changing diapers, so consider before you have a fit. Anyhow, gonna go, and be attentive for a while.
Keep on the sunny side!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What Tops a Cherry?
Seriously, I'm looking for the cameras! I went to the bank for cash to pay for car parts (credit cards frozen due to the online charges that weren't me)...
Cuz yea, my stupid car shredded a belt this weekend. Turned out to be not awful because I'd just gotten OFF of I80 & I have a mechanic who loves me and a husband who knows how to diagnose problems. *snuggs for ya both* It was kinda awesome to have two motorcycles show up to fix an undrivable car. Most stressful part was the creepy guy who wanted to hang out with me while I waited for help. His name was Steve and he just got out of jail....ya that's the best part of all his was a long couple hours.
...and the stupid bank people kept my license by accident (and I didn't notice cuz mom called me while I was there). So (three u truns later) when I got to NAPA *I love having my own personal parts man thanks Matt!* I figured out that I didn't have my ID. So I got parts, and stopped at Kirks shop, to drop them off *at least that was easy*, dodged awkward conversations, and finally got home to snarf down a salad, check my email and make sure I didn't have any more errands to run before Scott tears my car apart tonight. As I'm taking the first bite the phone rings it's the bank letting me know what I need to do to get my ID back (apparently just being me and knowing my details isn't enough). So I go back to the desk and my salad has been deposited into the bird cage by the cats. GRRRRRRRRR.
I mean really does that sound like a normal bad luck stretch? What did I do? Tomorrow do I get hit by a bus? Nope, just joking *cringes*. I so need a little stress free quiet time! But I'm off to the bank now, and then to the grocery store.
Oh, mom's phone call was about Grandpa being home from the hospital. They want him to see a pulmonary specialist at McKay Dee next month, but they finally sent him home & Dixie's taking care of him today and tomorrow so Mom could go to St. G with Glenn (visiting his kids and transporting....stuff...both directions). So hooray.
I'm gonna go get a slurpee and pretend I'm sitting on the horsey swings at the park by the youth center in smithfield....that'll make me feel better, hopefully, it worked when I was 6.
Y'all have a better day than me okay? I'll have a better one tomorrow.
Cuz yea, my stupid car shredded a belt this weekend. Turned out to be not awful because I'd just gotten OFF of I80 & I have a mechanic who loves me and a husband who knows how to diagnose problems. *snuggs for ya both* It was kinda awesome to have two motorcycles show up to fix an undrivable car. Most stressful part was the creepy guy who wanted to hang out with me while I waited for help. His name was Steve and he just got out of jail....ya that's the best part of all his was a long couple hours.
...and the stupid bank people kept my license by accident (and I didn't notice cuz mom called me while I was there). So (three u truns later) when I got to NAPA *I love having my own personal parts man thanks Matt!* I figured out that I didn't have my ID. So I got parts, and stopped at Kirks shop, to drop them off *at least that was easy*, dodged awkward conversations, and finally got home to snarf down a salad, check my email and make sure I didn't have any more errands to run before Scott tears my car apart tonight. As I'm taking the first bite the phone rings it's the bank letting me know what I need to do to get my ID back (apparently just being me and knowing my details isn't enough). So I go back to the desk and my salad has been deposited into the bird cage by the cats. GRRRRRRRRR.
I mean really does that sound like a normal bad luck stretch? What did I do? Tomorrow do I get hit by a bus? Nope, just joking *cringes*. I so need a little stress free quiet time! But I'm off to the bank now, and then to the grocery store.
Oh, mom's phone call was about Grandpa being home from the hospital. They want him to see a pulmonary specialist at McKay Dee next month, but they finally sent him home & Dixie's taking care of him today and tomorrow so Mom could go to St. G with Glenn (visiting his kids and transporting....stuff...both directions). So hooray.
I'm gonna go get a slurpee and pretend I'm sitting on the horsey swings at the park by the youth center in smithfield....that'll make me feel better, hopefully, it worked when I was 6.
Y'all have a better day than me okay? I'll have a better one tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Cherry on Top
Someone just made a bunch of online charges on my credit card....yea. Fortunately I saw them and got things locked down in a big hurry. But still wtf? Do I have a sign on me that says "please be as annoying as possible"? Oh well better get back to working on wedding bids.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Too long...oh well.
I've mostly been trying to crawl into a hole and ignore life...not the best strategy I know. But it's been easier than acknowledging all the crap that's being shoveled my direction. However, it's not a long term solution, and I am trying to find one of those.
Oscar and Scott are back on poor terms with each other, this of course makes life more challenging for me. I'm not delighted with screamy bird either, but throwing things at him is NOT the solution. But it's not all bad news birdy, he's picking up more and more language, and people other than me are beginning to be able to understand him. When he's not being an absolute beast, he's rather cute. Almost all of his wing feathers have come in, and he's figuring out this flying trick...still no good at the landings though. Just as well, it's time to trim his wings, and he'll have the same adventure next year.
The Hillyard family bad health trend has continued, the same day Mom had her last radiation treatment Grandpa checked into the hospital. I don't have all the details cuz I've been hesitant to call Mom the last few days (she's been spending the night at the hospital, and I don't want to call her and wake her up if she's napping). But I'm assuming no news is good news, hopefully. Last I heard he was improving and they were talking about doing a few more tests then sending him home.
I'm having one hell of a time coming up with interesting subject matter, I think I'm just mentally exhausted. I'm gonna go read or carve for a while, that seems to help.
Live Long & Prosper!
Oscar and Scott are back on poor terms with each other, this of course makes life more challenging for me. I'm not delighted with screamy bird either, but throwing things at him is NOT the solution. But it's not all bad news birdy, he's picking up more and more language, and people other than me are beginning to be able to understand him. When he's not being an absolute beast, he's rather cute. Almost all of his wing feathers have come in, and he's figuring out this flying trick...still no good at the landings though. Just as well, it's time to trim his wings, and he'll have the same adventure next year.
The Hillyard family bad health trend has continued, the same day Mom had her last radiation treatment Grandpa checked into the hospital. I don't have all the details cuz I've been hesitant to call Mom the last few days (she's been spending the night at the hospital, and I don't want to call her and wake her up if she's napping). But I'm assuming no news is good news, hopefully. Last I heard he was improving and they were talking about doing a few more tests then sending him home.
I'm having one hell of a time coming up with interesting subject matter, I think I'm just mentally exhausted. I'm gonna go read or carve for a while, that seems to help.
Live Long & Prosper!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I just made a million dollars!!!
Unfortunately it was with the FARMING GAME. So at the end I'm still broke ;( But it was a fun way to spend the afternoon...always is, especially since Scott & I have created new rules to keep the game going after one of us has "technically" won. I think my favorite part is choosing what strategy I want to play with. Today I was a cattle baron, bought up all the range land contracts and put 50 head on my worked, I won. Which was funny cuz Scott played far more aggressively than usual, and he lost... Anyhow, I LOVE THAT GAME!!!
Been a rather uneventful week. We've just been cleaning and sorting, and wishing we both could do more without hurting. But that's part of being us, and we did get many things done. The cooler and worn out sofa bed have found their destiny in the dump, the new raised bed in the front yard has mulch, and the garage is much closer to being clean enough to park cars & bikes in, all the cars are cleaned out, the blue trucks posted on KSL... Anyhow, might not sound much to you able bodied folk, but for us it's gold star worthy. Oh, and I did laundry!! No wonder my back hates me.
I think next week I'll focus on folding and sorting about 10 batches of laundry...I hate that part!
No news on the job front, I keep trying, keep hoping, and try not to stress. Stressing only makes me grumpy and sick, it does no good. I keep telling mom that, she doesn't understand.
Scotty keeps making sounds about camping soon. I'm looking forward to it. If only so that he'll stop adding projects to his Truck Boat Truck and just enjoy it. Sounds like if schedules and weather cooperate, we'll be starting our camping season in March(just barely). Not going too far, just antelope island. We're not planning any bigger trips till we know more about what my schedule will be.
Must go now, Oscar's trying to eat my spaghetti for me.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Been a rather uneventful week. We've just been cleaning and sorting, and wishing we both could do more without hurting. But that's part of being us, and we did get many things done. The cooler and worn out sofa bed have found their destiny in the dump, the new raised bed in the front yard has mulch, and the garage is much closer to being clean enough to park cars & bikes in, all the cars are cleaned out, the blue trucks posted on KSL... Anyhow, might not sound much to you able bodied folk, but for us it's gold star worthy. Oh, and I did laundry!! No wonder my back hates me.
I think next week I'll focus on folding and sorting about 10 batches of laundry...I hate that part!
No news on the job front, I keep trying, keep hoping, and try not to stress. Stressing only makes me grumpy and sick, it does no good. I keep telling mom that, she doesn't understand.
Scotty keeps making sounds about camping soon. I'm looking forward to it. If only so that he'll stop adding projects to his Truck Boat Truck and just enjoy it. Sounds like if schedules and weather cooperate, we'll be starting our camping season in March(just barely). Not going too far, just antelope island. We're not planning any bigger trips till we know more about what my schedule will be.
Must go now, Oscar's trying to eat my spaghetti for me.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Procrastination is easy!
I've got a good excuse though! Mom's been here for three days and it's hard to take time to post when she's here. My office is her bedroom and I've never been good at composing with someone reading over my shoulder.
We had a good visit though. And though we're both broke, we went clearance shopping. I'm pretty sure Grandma Jackie was there in spirit, we sure quoted her enough. "That just doesn't do anything for you", "Oh, I think you need that", "stop looking at price tags, just try it on"... We both came home with a few "too good"deals, and neither of us spent too much. It was fun. We haven't done that since the last time Grandma went with us. Maybe next time we'll get together a reunion of the Great Hillyard Shoppers...that would be fun.
I've wanted to post pictures of my "babies" here since it seems that I talk about them a whole bunch. The other day I caught them at the end of NAP (capitals cuz it's THAT important) time when they're at their cutest. Here's the results:

Yahzi, our BIG baby. He doesn't usually look this surprised, maybe it's the catnip he was sleeping on.
This is Spazzy, she and I share the position of pack/flock Alpha. She wouldn't come out from behind the dryer when we first brought her home. Now, she lays in the middle of us and glares if she doesn't get enough scritches.
Royla (named that cuz she looks so much like our first cat Roy), our cute, snuggly, affectionate long term guest. We all love her (well maybe not Oscar) but we're a 2 cat house, so one day (hopefully soon) we'll find her the right home and she'll be someone else's best pal. Till then she's part of the pack.
Funny, the only picture where Oscar was holding still enough to be in focus is the one where he and Spazz were having a visit still can't figure out why these two have decided to be friends. If I was a little parrot I sure wouldn't want to snuggle her. But it works for them, and they haven't hatched a plot to take over the world yet, so the rest of us are safe. And when I'm not there to moderate they have the cage to keep them from hurting each other in their enthusiasm, so i guess it's all good.
Also since Procrastination seems like a good heading to post this oh so late picture under here's the only picture I brought home from our Quartzsite trip, was too busy having fun left the camera in th closet. I promise to do better next year. Judy, I'm lazy...what is it?
Not even a very good photo, but I had to bring home at least one. There are so many memory pictures from that trip that I look at every day.
Scott and Russ are playing some sort of drive each other (and me) crazy name that tune game, the sound track from the other room is absurd...I must go participate! I love those two broken headed boys (yes they are both still boys at heart and I can prove it)! Can't wait for summer when we get to see them all in person again.
Y'all take care, and smile every chance you get!
We had a good visit though. And though we're both broke, we went clearance shopping. I'm pretty sure Grandma Jackie was there in spirit, we sure quoted her enough. "That just doesn't do anything for you", "Oh, I think you need that", "stop looking at price tags, just try it on"... We both came home with a few "too good"deals, and neither of us spent too much. It was fun. We haven't done that since the last time Grandma went with us. Maybe next time we'll get together a reunion of the Great Hillyard Shoppers...that would be fun.
I've wanted to post pictures of my "babies" here since it seems that I talk about them a whole bunch. The other day I caught them at the end of NAP (capitals cuz it's THAT important) time when they're at their cutest. Here's the results:
Yahzi, our BIG baby. He doesn't usually look this surprised, maybe it's the catnip he was sleeping on.
Funny, the only picture where Oscar was holding still enough to be in focus is the one where he and Spazz were having a visit still can't figure out why these two have decided to be friends. If I was a little parrot I sure wouldn't want to snuggle her. But it works for them, and they haven't hatched a plot to take over the world yet, so the rest of us are safe. And when I'm not there to moderate they have the cage to keep them from hurting each other in their enthusiasm, so i guess it's all good.
Also since Procrastination seems like a good heading to post this oh so late picture under here's the only picture I brought home from our Quartzsite trip, was too busy having fun left the camera in th closet. I promise to do better next year. Judy, I'm lazy...what is it?
Scott and Russ are playing some sort of drive each other (and me) crazy name that tune game, the sound track from the other room is absurd...I must go participate! I love those two broken headed boys (yes they are both still boys at heart and I can prove it)! Can't wait for summer when we get to see them all in person again.
Y'all take care, and smile every chance you get!
Friday, March 6, 2009
All's Well.
We've rolled through another week, sorta eventful there at the beginning, but boring since then. Scott's got a leg he can stand to walk on *no punn intended* for a few hours at a time (major improvement, even if it does leave welts still) so he's busy working on his truck. Something about electrical resistance in the ground line. He's been chasing that problem for a week now.
I paid my bills tonight, never a fun experience, but there was enough money to get them all covered. Don't know how that'll work out next time (this was the last of my full amount paychecks). But I'm trying not to stress because I can't do anything more about it. I really hope something comes out of all these jobs I'm applying for.
Other than puttering and cleaning we have no plans for the weekend, should be fun. I think I'll make chili verde.
Yahzi's still hasn't purged his hairball, but aside from the yaking noises seems to be acting more like himself. Oscar has learned that "I hate you." is a term of affection (thanks scott) and now tells me that several times a day.
Scott's back in the house and acting like he wants company so I'll go be the attentive wife for a few.
Happy Weekend y'all!
I paid my bills tonight, never a fun experience, but there was enough money to get them all covered. Don't know how that'll work out next time (this was the last of my full amount paychecks). But I'm trying not to stress because I can't do anything more about it. I really hope something comes out of all these jobs I'm applying for.
Other than puttering and cleaning we have no plans for the weekend, should be fun. I think I'll make chili verde.
Yahzi's still hasn't purged his hairball, but aside from the yaking noises seems to be acting more like himself. Oscar has learned that "I hate you." is a term of affection (thanks scott) and now tells me that several times a day.
Scott's back in the house and acting like he wants company so I'll go be the attentive wife for a few.
Happy Weekend y'all!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Comfortably Numb
Don't know exactly what to write about, but it's been a while, so I'll write something and fill in details later...or not.
Friday Scott & I had lunch with Mom & Glenn. It was fun, and I think we've got them hooked on Cafe Sylvester. Mom has made friends with another patient who is 1 week ahead of her in treatments, and that seems to help her with what to expect and how much of what she's experiencing is the radiation.
It is not the week to be a Hillyard apparently, and especially not a Heaps. I think Lyndie's the only Hillyard-Heaps who hasn't had surgery this month. But last I heard they're all healing, and aside form Angie being anemic, they're all good. Grandpa fell and broke teeth and hand bones, but won't go to the doctor or use an ice pack, so I'm having a hard time giving him too much sympathy. I love him, I'm sorry he's hurting, but if he won't do what he can to stop the pain, I can't feel bad for him. I spend so much of my life doing everything I can to manage my pain that have a really hard time finding sympathy for plain ol' stubborn. I know it's harsh, Mom and I conflict about it all the time. He's made choices, he's old and alone & that sucks, but he's not a victim, he just WON'T do some stuff cuz he doesn't wanna. I'm not gonna feel sorry for him cuz he won't do something. Does that make me a bitch? I hope not.
Saturday I got to have lunch with Joffree & Lisa, it was wonderful. I love my life, and I love my husband, but it is so nice to go have girl time with people who are just "my" friends...not that I don't love "our"'s just different sometimes. The rest of the day was uneventful, cleaned the camper, including the carpet (huge project), went grocery shopping, and petted the sick Yahzi.
Sunday Scott decided it would be fun to drive to Wendover...ya, just for fun...2 hours on one of the most boring pieces of road we ever drive on. Apparently he wanted to get a good road trip baseline on how his new truck/boat/truck (which he claims is NOT it's name, yes he reads my blog too) behaves on the freeway. So we went to wendover, played a dollar at nickle blackjack (I lost, he won, we broke even) had lunch, and I went to the red garter for the first time (THEY STILL HAVE COIN MACHINES!!! I'm taking Grandma's knickels next time). And then we came home...and continued to clean the camper carpet (it got soooooo dirty on our Quartzsite trip). We are now official devotees of the "miracle apple cleaner" who'd have known.
And today, wow, today was it's own kind of special....I went to work with the same "whatever, I'm just doin' my job until I find something else or they upset me" mentality I've gone with for the last few weeks. Almost immediately things started blowing up, for lack of a better word. Fortunately things weren't aimed at me, and I got to trudge along below the missiles. I won't go into details because things there aren't done being dramatic, and there's some tiny chance me talking about it might make me part of their drama. Don't want to deal with that. So I'll keep my opinions on the details to myself. Suffice to say, I'm amazed about how little I cared.
So tomorrow, I go to work, do my job, and watch the drama unfold...should be interesting. And at worst, it'll be exactly what I've been win win. Whatever...shouldn't I care more? Hmmn.
Tonight Oscar learned that not only can he kinda fly, he can also TURN in the air. This means it's very much time to get his feathers trimmed, but it has been fun to watch him learn about flying. He's surprised when he doesn't crash.
Must go spend time with sick kitty now. Hope he's better soon...poor baby.
Happy Almost Spring to you all!
Friday Scott & I had lunch with Mom & Glenn. It was fun, and I think we've got them hooked on Cafe Sylvester. Mom has made friends with another patient who is 1 week ahead of her in treatments, and that seems to help her with what to expect and how much of what she's experiencing is the radiation.
It is not the week to be a Hillyard apparently, and especially not a Heaps. I think Lyndie's the only Hillyard-Heaps who hasn't had surgery this month. But last I heard they're all healing, and aside form Angie being anemic, they're all good. Grandpa fell and broke teeth and hand bones, but won't go to the doctor or use an ice pack, so I'm having a hard time giving him too much sympathy. I love him, I'm sorry he's hurting, but if he won't do what he can to stop the pain, I can't feel bad for him. I spend so much of my life doing everything I can to manage my pain that have a really hard time finding sympathy for plain ol' stubborn. I know it's harsh, Mom and I conflict about it all the time. He's made choices, he's old and alone & that sucks, but he's not a victim, he just WON'T do some stuff cuz he doesn't wanna. I'm not gonna feel sorry for him cuz he won't do something. Does that make me a bitch? I hope not.
Saturday I got to have lunch with Joffree & Lisa, it was wonderful. I love my life, and I love my husband, but it is so nice to go have girl time with people who are just "my" friends...not that I don't love "our"'s just different sometimes. The rest of the day was uneventful, cleaned the camper, including the carpet (huge project), went grocery shopping, and petted the sick Yahzi.
Sunday Scott decided it would be fun to drive to Wendover...ya, just for fun...2 hours on one of the most boring pieces of road we ever drive on. Apparently he wanted to get a good road trip baseline on how his new truck/boat/truck (which he claims is NOT it's name, yes he reads my blog too) behaves on the freeway. So we went to wendover, played a dollar at nickle blackjack (I lost, he won, we broke even) had lunch, and I went to the red garter for the first time (THEY STILL HAVE COIN MACHINES!!! I'm taking Grandma's knickels next time). And then we came home...and continued to clean the camper carpet (it got soooooo dirty on our Quartzsite trip). We are now official devotees of the "miracle apple cleaner" who'd have known.
And today, wow, today was it's own kind of special....I went to work with the same "whatever, I'm just doin' my job until I find something else or they upset me" mentality I've gone with for the last few weeks. Almost immediately things started blowing up, for lack of a better word. Fortunately things weren't aimed at me, and I got to trudge along below the missiles. I won't go into details because things there aren't done being dramatic, and there's some tiny chance me talking about it might make me part of their drama. Don't want to deal with that. So I'll keep my opinions on the details to myself. Suffice to say, I'm amazed about how little I cared.
So tomorrow, I go to work, do my job, and watch the drama unfold...should be interesting. And at worst, it'll be exactly what I've been win win. Whatever...shouldn't I care more? Hmmn.
Tonight Oscar learned that not only can he kinda fly, he can also TURN in the air. This means it's very much time to get his feathers trimmed, but it has been fun to watch him learn about flying. He's surprised when he doesn't crash.
Must go spend time with sick kitty now. Hope he's better soon...poor baby.
Happy Almost Spring to you all!
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