We had a good visit though. And though we're both broke, we went clearance shopping. I'm pretty sure Grandma Jackie was there in spirit, we sure quoted her enough. "That just doesn't do anything for you", "Oh, I think you need that", "stop looking at price tags, just try it on"... We both came home with a few "too good"deals, and neither of us spent too much. It was fun. We haven't done that since the last time Grandma went with us. Maybe next time we'll get together a reunion of the Great Hillyard Shoppers...that would be fun.
I've wanted to post pictures of my "babies" here since it seems that I talk about them a whole bunch. The other day I caught them at the end of NAP (capitals cuz it's THAT important) time when they're at their cutest. Here's the results:
Yahzi, our BIG baby. He doesn't usually look this surprised, maybe it's the catnip he was sleeping on.
Funny, the only picture where Oscar was holding still enough to be in focus is the one where he and Spazz were having a visit still can't figure out why these two have decided to be friends. If I was a little parrot I sure wouldn't want to snuggle her. But it works for them, and they haven't hatched a plot to take over the world yet, so the rest of us are safe. And when I'm not there to moderate they have the cage to keep them from hurting each other in their enthusiasm, so i guess it's all good.
Also since Procrastination seems like a good heading to post this oh so late picture under here's the only picture I brought home from our Quartzsite trip, was too busy having fun left the camera in th closet. I promise to do better next year. Judy, I'm lazy...what is it?
Scott and Russ are playing some sort of drive each other (and me) crazy name that tune game, the sound track from the other room is absurd...I must go participate! I love those two broken headed boys (yes they are both still boys at heart and I can prove it)! Can't wait for summer when we get to see them all in person again.
Y'all take care, and smile every chance you get!
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