Unfortunately it was with the FARMING GAME. So at the end I'm still broke ;( But it was a fun way to spend the afternoon...always is, especially since Scott & I have created new rules to keep the game going after one of us has "technically" won. I think my favorite part is choosing what strategy I want to play with. Today I was a cattle baron, bought up all the range land contracts and put 50 head on my farm...it worked, I won. Which was funny cuz Scott played far more aggressively than usual, and he lost... Anyhow, I LOVE THAT GAME!!!
Been a rather uneventful week. We've just been cleaning and sorting, and wishing we both could do more without hurting. But that's part of being us, and we did get many things done. The cooler and worn out sofa bed have found their destiny in the dump, the new raised bed in the front yard has mulch, and the garage is much closer to being clean enough to park cars & bikes in, all the cars are cleaned out, the blue trucks posted on KSL... Anyhow, might not sound much to you able bodied folk, but for us it's gold star worthy. Oh, and I did laundry!! No wonder my back hates me.
I think next week I'll focus on folding and sorting about 10 batches of laundry...I hate that part!
No news on the job front, I keep trying, keep hoping, and try not to stress. Stressing only makes me grumpy and sick, it does no good. I keep telling mom that, she doesn't understand.
Scotty keeps making sounds about camping soon. I'm looking forward to it. If only so that he'll stop adding projects to his Truck Boat Truck and just enjoy it. Sounds like if schedules and weather cooperate, we'll be starting our camping season in March(just barely). Not going too far, just antelope island. We're not planning any bigger trips till we know more about what my schedule will be.
Must go now, Oscar's trying to eat my spaghetti for me.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do!
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