I'm glad to say that all of my cooking experiments went well. My roasted hunk of cow came out perfectly acceptable. My curry will improve with practice, but is most edible, and my bourbon chicken should be better than last time. Should be an excellent camping menu...lol. (it's all a very long way from campfire dinners! even if it is warmed over the coals)
Tomorrow Oscar and I head out for Ogden Canyon. Scotty will follow soon, ON HIS MOTORCYCLE! *think big smiles and bug encrusted helmets* We're looking forward to a mellow weekend of books, carving, cooking, campfires, and good friends. I can't wait! (maybe that's part of why I'm leaving on Wednesday...
Mom and Glenn came down Saturday and set up the forms for our shed pad. Between the 4 of us we moved 3 yards (6600lb) of gravel from the truck to the proper place in the yard. OUCH! The best part is that mom now listens to me when I say "that's gonna make you hurt" because she's learned that I speak from experience, I don't think she has any more illusions me faking my back pain. I know how she hurts and have warned her too many times now. I'm glad she's listening, and absolutely frustrated that she gets to understand how it hurts. NOT FAIR! But we get what we get, and I try not to be angry about it.
I'm really looking forward to a visit with our friends (even though they'll all be too busy to spend much time). I'm even more looking forward to some uncomplicated relaxing time. I've had plenty of stress and just want to chill for a while. Me, my hammock, the sunshine, the shade, a good book, a lazy afternoon, who wouldn't look forward to that? And we'll go back to camp with our friends again another weekend when they're less busy! So if you don't hear from me for a while, I'm fine, and I'm happy, and I'm absolutely relaxing!
If anyone MUST contact us Mom will have the number of one of the friends we're camping with, and i'll try to check my facebook (but prolly not my email) sometime over the weekend. Odd to have the option of internet but not cell phone isn't it :). Judy and her wonderful sharing of interwebs....she rocks. Anyhow, you won't HAVE to contact me, cuz nothin's gonna go wrong. I'm just paranoid.
And Scott's in the other room mumbling at his computer, usually not good news. I'm gonna go check on him and put the bird to bed.
Night, night.
Have a blast!