Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday again!

And I haven't done much but apply for jobs and sleep. Some person who shall remain....Scotty!...gave me swine flu....or just plain annoying flu for a birthday present, and I've been half of myself all week! But there's enough !!!!points in that paragraph for my whole post so I'll calm down and just give fun stories from here in.

Tomorrow is KitTaH VEt DaY. This is their least favorite day of the year, and also one of my most dreaded. This afternoon I captured and harnessed all three. This was not fun for any of us, though all of them were better behaved than usual because Scott was home (dunno why but he's scarier than me even when he's not participating). In the morning we will individually trap and transport them to the camper (much easier with the harnesses on) and then we all go for a ride to the vet. Then mom wrestles in the first kitty at hand (usually yahzi cuz I'm too exhausted to do him last ((he's a strong little beast))) and we begin the awful process of weighing....and shots, and worst of all NOSE DROPS. They hate nose drops! (yes another one, couldn't help it,sorry) And then we all ride home burrowed into whatever blankets and pillows the camper provides (still so much better than when we loaded into cat carriers and all rode in the CAR. And then I'm the evil hated Mom, much like today just after the harnessing. (why does some part of my head still think "hoaaaarness" like grandpa says?) and I'm paranoid about any of them having a bad reaction to the shots (people parents worry this much too right?) and they are just exhausted and sleep a lot (the exact negative symptoms of the shots, yay).

So anyhow, we're also going to get firewood, and cooking a beef roast tomorrow. How is it I got to be 27 and have never attempted a beef roast? Should I be intimidated or concerned? Frankly in comparison to the cat's vet appointment, cooking a hunk of cow seems safe and friendly. That's probably not right either.

Either way I'd better get a good nights rest.
Live Long and Don't get clawed to death by your pets.

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