I had a grand weekend, predictable campers, good weather, and Scott's help/company. I tubed the river (nearly floated right into my friend the moose), had a good visit with Glenn's family, spent time around the campfire with my new friends Jim & Gerry, and had a lovely snuggle with the kitties while it rained this morning.
Unfortunately it couldn't last forever. I had to deal with a rather nasty situation involving the previous camp host this morning. I believe that she was mostly just upset about not having her job back (not my call) and nothing could have kept her happy. Even still I really didn't enjoy having someone screaming profanity and calling me names at the top of their lungs. It was the first and I hope the last time I will have to call the cops to have them escort campers out. According to this woman Scott is a saint for living with me because I'm such a ***** and never clean anything. I rarely write people off completely, but GOOD RIDDANCE. She left the canyon and stopped every place she could think of to complain on her way out. I am absolutely delighted that I didn't respond to her abuse. It's a trial of my patience I wasn't sure I would pass. I did, and other than a good dose of winding down stress aches, I'm none the worse for the problem.
The weather has been gorgeous! We've had several nice mellow days this week. And the rain and thunder we got to day was beautiful as only a rains storm in the mountains can be. If I'm lucky I'll get to snuggle through another storm tomorrow. Spazz is getting a lot more comfy in the camper, and Yahzi's fine with it all as long as I remember to fill his bird feeders. I'll have to post a picture of his "smell-a-vission" set up. I'm glad they're comfy cuz I would be pretty lonely with only Oscar to keep me company. All the same I think we'll all be happy to go home at the end of the season.
Looking forward to Matt, Sara & the boys camping again this weekend. Perhaps I'll get them into the river this time.
I'm off to harvest my farmtown raspberries and then home to my campground. Hopefully I took care of all my stress for the week today. I ought to sleep well tonight anyhow.
Y'all take care & keep out of trouble!
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