Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And The Countdown Begins

Found out yesterday that I'll be leaving the canyon sooner than I expected. Not really a bad thing, but a little bittersweet. It's really been a grand adventure, and I'm going to miss all the cool things that have become part of my daily life up here. I will NOT however miss getting up at 6:45 every morning to open the gate, or going out after 10 at night to tell campers to be quiet. I will miss the wildlife, the cottontail bunnies I run into almost every morning, and the moose who wanders through my camp almost every week, the wild cats that have taken to leaving me presents, my cats pestering me to open the blinds so they can watch smellavision every morning, and the humming birds dive bombing my head to tell me that the feeders are empty. I might even miss the damn raccoons.

This has really been an awesome summer. But I'm ready to go home I think. It'll be nice to have clothes that don't smell of woodsmoke, and a real live couch I can snuggle into and power any ol time without worrying about running a generator or how much sun the solar is getting. I'm also looking forward to being a florist again. That's a creative outlet I miss.

I haven't decided exactly what my plan is for going home, I'd really like to go camp somewhere just for fun for a few days, maybe Monte Cristo, or even just camp at Perception for a few days. Camping without being "in charge" seems like an awful lot of fun at this point. We've also talked about cashing in on a couple of my Wendover freebee coupons and spend a few days over there. Might be real nice to have someone else clean up, cook, and just not have to worry about stuff.

Anyhow, I'm counting the days, and packing up for the move. I'm a little melancholy and a lot tired. But all good things come to an end, and there will be another adventure soon enough. Perhaps I can even work things out to get back here next year. That would be AWESOME.

I'll try to post again soon, but if I don't it's because I'm busy getting moved. Perhaps when I get home I'll have time and bandwidth to post all the cool pictures I've taken up here.

Y'all take care and keep smilin'!

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