I've been busy, full campground and lots of drama. The horrible car accident that closed off the canyon this Saturday was campers from Willows (my campground). I watched those kids drive out of my campground just minutes before the wreck. Just being that close to the whole thing was pretty stressful.
I'm bad at making up my mind on a good day, but on a bad day it's impossible. Finally today I quit dithering. I feel so much better. Sometime soon I'll share the details.
My flower family is coming to visit this weekend! I've missed them.
Got too many things to do, and not much time to do them.
be well y'all!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Never know in the morning where the day will take you.
This afternoon I'm sitting in a hospital room at Mckay-Dee with Glenn. He's recovering from heart surgery. Fortunately he was on the ball and knew something was wrong. They watched him over the weekend in Logan and decided this morning that he should come down here and see a specialist. Things went well, and they're planning to send him home tomorrow.
But while I'm here Mom & I get to take advantage of their guest internet and finish some of the projects we've needed to work on.
So I should finish up here and get to it.
Happy Monday y'all!
But while I'm here Mom & I get to take advantage of their guest internet and finish some of the projects we've needed to work on.
So I should finish up here and get to it.
Happy Monday y'all!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Refreshingly Busy!
Fathers’ day weekend was fabulous! The weather was balmy, camp filled Friday evening, Scott was here to help me keep track of details, and along the way I got in the first hammock nap of the season.
Campers whom I befriended last year in the pouring rain bought a trailer this month and hauled it up here. I love having them and their adorable healer dogs up here, and I'm quite looking forward to seeing them more this year.
There were quite a few familiar faces this weekend. Seems folk come back to a spot once they figure out they like it. It's sorta fun to recognize them & be recognized. Hopefully the ones who were a hassle & needed keeping track of will decide to camp elsewhere. I won't miss them a bit.
Tonight I've got 4 sites full, and 2 of the four are repeats from last year. The other 2 have been here since Friday. It is going to be a mellow comfortable night. Good thing! I'm sun burnt, and exhausted. The good news is that I'm also nearly out of hours for the week. Between the late night Friday, the heavy turn over Saturday, and the cleaning I did this afternoon, there's not much I *have* to do before Friday, and not many hours to fill up beautifying things.
The weather's been so fabulous that one of my primary goals for the week is locating and inflating my ski tubes and finding my swim trunks. Not sure if I'll tube the river or throw myself into one of the reservoirs. But it's definitely water time.
Oscar & I had a lovely snuggle in the hammock this afternoon. He's decided that when I pull the top layer of hammock over us it turns the whole thing into a giant bird cage that we both fit into. He had a good time singing, snuggling, and giving me all kinds of kisses (they're his favorite noise this week). He also got to watch all the wild birds come and go at the feeders. Next time I'll take the camera out there with us.
It's been really nice to have a busy weekend and good weather. I'm remembering more of the reasons I loved being up here last summer. It's the random golden moments that make me smile (like walking along the top of the loop tonight and having a baby cottontail rabbit step out to say hello). The amazing people who become single serving and occasionally lifetime friends. Quiet times when the most pressing thing in my life is waving hello to a camper or watching the stars. More chaotic moments when there's four sites to check in, the bathrooms need tissue, and the phone won't stop ringing (mostly I like those because it sorta makes me feel important and helps me enjoy the quiet times all the more). Also there are a very few times when it's me and Scott enjoying just being here. I love having him here to enjoy it all. There is no easy way to describe how it feels living in a beautiful, wild place, where you're so familiar with it all that you can hear when the wind changes direction. My closest constant neighbors are the bunnies, birds, mice, and raccoons. Also, I'm beginning to recognise the individual humming birds. That's pretty cool.
I do miss Tulip Tree like mad and keep feeling the throws of guilt because I'm here relaxing durring the mid week when I know that I could be there helping out. I know they can do it without me, but miss being part of it! That crazy 10 orders to go, and the phone keeps ringing feeling is kinda like a drug for me. It's full of energy, keeps you hopping along, and when Fran & Adda are there it's desperately fun. This is the only job that could be worth leaving my flower job for, and it's a VERY close competition. One bad day here has me itching to pack up my toys and go back home (and I'm not talking about my house & husband there, the shop is as much my home as the place I sleep is).
My pets are settling in finally. Yahzi's still a bit shy to come out of the bed and closet before dark, but he always has been more nocturnal than Spazz. He's not used to me being around all day, that's his sleeping time. He does seem to enjoy sitting by one of the bed windows smelling and watching things. Spazz is quite brave in comparison. As long as she has an escape rout back inside she'll happily explore the back porch and spends quite a bit of time sitting at the screen door watching the world go by. Oscar seems to be quite enjoying himself and all of the attention he gets.
I'm off to invent some kind of leftover chicken dish...chicken & french toast, garlic bread sandwich with chicken and bacon filling, perhaps cheesy chicken dorito nachos...oh wait, Scott ate all the chips :p. Wish me luck!
Campers whom I befriended last year in the pouring rain bought a trailer this month and hauled it up here. I love having them and their adorable healer dogs up here, and I'm quite looking forward to seeing them more this year.
There were quite a few familiar faces this weekend. Seems folk come back to a spot once they figure out they like it. It's sorta fun to recognize them & be recognized. Hopefully the ones who were a hassle & needed keeping track of will decide to camp elsewhere. I won't miss them a bit.
Tonight I've got 4 sites full, and 2 of the four are repeats from last year. The other 2 have been here since Friday. It is going to be a mellow comfortable night. Good thing! I'm sun burnt, and exhausted. The good news is that I'm also nearly out of hours for the week. Between the late night Friday, the heavy turn over Saturday, and the cleaning I did this afternoon, there's not much I *have* to do before Friday, and not many hours to fill up beautifying things.
The weather's been so fabulous that one of my primary goals for the week is locating and inflating my ski tubes and finding my swim trunks. Not sure if I'll tube the river or throw myself into one of the reservoirs. But it's definitely water time.
Oscar & I had a lovely snuggle in the hammock this afternoon. He's decided that when I pull the top layer of hammock over us it turns the whole thing into a giant bird cage that we both fit into. He had a good time singing, snuggling, and giving me all kinds of kisses (they're his favorite noise this week). He also got to watch all the wild birds come and go at the feeders. Next time I'll take the camera out there with us.
It's been really nice to have a busy weekend and good weather. I'm remembering more of the reasons I loved being up here last summer. It's the random golden moments that make me smile (like walking along the top of the loop tonight and having a baby cottontail rabbit step out to say hello). The amazing people who become single serving and occasionally lifetime friends. Quiet times when the most pressing thing in my life is waving hello to a camper or watching the stars. More chaotic moments when there's four sites to check in, the bathrooms need tissue, and the phone won't stop ringing (mostly I like those because it sorta makes me feel important and helps me enjoy the quiet times all the more). Also there are a very few times when it's me and Scott enjoying just being here. I love having him here to enjoy it all. There is no easy way to describe how it feels living in a beautiful, wild place, where you're so familiar with it all that you can hear when the wind changes direction. My closest constant neighbors are the bunnies, birds, mice, and raccoons. Also, I'm beginning to recognise the individual humming birds. That's pretty cool.
I do miss Tulip Tree like mad and keep feeling the throws of guilt because I'm here relaxing durring the mid week when I know that I could be there helping out. I know they can do it without me, but miss being part of it! That crazy 10 orders to go, and the phone keeps ringing feeling is kinda like a drug for me. It's full of energy, keeps you hopping along, and when Fran & Adda are there it's desperately fun. This is the only job that could be worth leaving my flower job for, and it's a VERY close competition. One bad day here has me itching to pack up my toys and go back home (and I'm not talking about my house & husband there, the shop is as much my home as the place I sleep is).
My pets are settling in finally. Yahzi's still a bit shy to come out of the bed and closet before dark, but he always has been more nocturnal than Spazz. He's not used to me being around all day, that's his sleeping time. He does seem to enjoy sitting by one of the bed windows smelling and watching things. Spazz is quite brave in comparison. As long as she has an escape rout back inside she'll happily explore the back porch and spends quite a bit of time sitting at the screen door watching the world go by. Oscar seems to be quite enjoying himself and all of the attention he gets.
I'm off to invent some kind of leftover chicken dish...chicken & french toast, garlic bread sandwich with chicken and bacon filling, perhaps cheesy chicken dorito nachos...oh wait, Scott ate all the chips :p. Wish me luck!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Try not to think about it.
I've had two good days now, and today isn't looking too shabby. The stress level up here is still absurd, but I'm managing to ignore some of it.
Last night we had a NASTY wind storm. There was quite a bit of noise around my camper during the night. Loud bangs & cracking noises from all the trees, flapping and banging from my *fabulous* canopy (I hate the thing and have to fix something about it every few days), thunder, hail, and constant buffeting from the wind. I wondered what was going on several times, but had already gotten cold and wet enough while tying things down for the night.
Here's my temporary solution to weighing down the canopy, it's a bit pricey as tarp weights go, but it worked until the rope loops ripped out of the canopy seam (I'll have re-sewn the whole thing soon).

This morning when I went out there was a BIG broken branch dangling from the tree in front of the truck & camper. I'm very very lucky it doesn't come threaten my camper. Good thing that it's over my driveway instead of one of the campsites. Maintenance came by to inspect it and will be back later to try bringing it down with a rope and hook. I've placed cones and orange buckets around to keep people away, and am just watching and waiting. Every so often a piece falls, some rather large, some just bark shreds. I'm not going under there to clean it up until the whole things down!

Got some fun pictures this morning while I had my camera out to get a picture of the tree. There was ice on everything and apparently it snowed.

Ice on the roof of my car.
There's a group of rabbits who live just across the road from me. I took several shots and mostly got blurrs, but the blurrs are kinda fun too. Here's a collage.

While everyone was here trying to decide how to handle the tree, I left Oscar loose on the kitchen table. He found the pile of cards I had ready to mail out, and decided that one of them needed his special touch.

He's helping me type this just now, and explaining why he's a good boy and Scott's bad. It's one of his favorite discussions.
Ouch! an hour of weed wacking and blowing, preceded by moving my wood pile has resulted in a huge knot between my shoulder blades. Good thing Scott's coming tomorrow to help me get through the weekend. I believe I'll crawl into bed, snuggle kitties, read a book, and wait for another part of the tree to fall.
Alls well that ends well.
Last night we had a NASTY wind storm. There was quite a bit of noise around my camper during the night. Loud bangs & cracking noises from all the trees, flapping and banging from my *fabulous* canopy (I hate the thing and have to fix something about it every few days), thunder, hail, and constant buffeting from the wind. I wondered what was going on several times, but had already gotten cold and wet enough while tying things down for the night.
Here's my temporary solution to weighing down the canopy, it's a bit pricey as tarp weights go, but it worked until the rope loops ripped out of the canopy seam (I'll have re-sewn the whole thing soon).
This morning when I went out there was a BIG broken branch dangling from the tree in front of the truck & camper. I'm very very lucky it doesn't come threaten my camper. Good thing that it's over my driveway instead of one of the campsites. Maintenance came by to inspect it and will be back later to try bringing it down with a rope and hook. I've placed cones and orange buckets around to keep people away, and am just watching and waiting. Every so often a piece falls, some rather large, some just bark shreds. I'm not going under there to clean it up until the whole things down!
Got some fun pictures this morning while I had my camera out to get a picture of the tree. There was ice on everything and apparently it snowed.
Ice on the roof of my car.
There's a group of rabbits who live just across the road from me. I took several shots and mostly got blurrs, but the blurrs are kinda fun too. Here's a collage.
While everyone was here trying to decide how to handle the tree, I left Oscar loose on the kitchen table. He found the pile of cards I had ready to mail out, and decided that one of them needed his special touch.
He's helping me type this just now, and explaining why he's a good boy and Scott's bad. It's one of his favorite discussions.
Ouch! an hour of weed wacking and blowing, preceded by moving my wood pile has resulted in a huge knot between my shoulder blades. Good thing Scott's coming tomorrow to help me get through the weekend. I believe I'll crawl into bed, snuggle kitties, read a book, and wait for another part of the tree to fall.
Alls well that ends well.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Finally! A day worth writing about!
Today I spent the morning doing menial house and campground chores. I then took a nap. YES, I was so reckless as to abandon all of my ESSENTIAL responsibilities and sleep while the sun was out. I consider it one of the perks of this job. Hopefully no one sets out to prove me wrong.
There's been quite a bit of unececarry stress up here lately. Hopefully it all evens out. Otherwise I'll be executing plan B. Stress makes my pain levels soar! My nap today was less of a luxury than a necessity, I got next to no sleep last night.
After my nap I headed down into Ogden and bought propane. 100lbs of propane is a lot. But it'll last a while. Especially if we ever get some summer weather!
Then I got to see Jackie. Funny how some friendships can pick up after years with barely a batting of the eyes. I've missed her.
Mike & Lisa are camping elsewhere for a few weeks. I miss them. They're a great distraction and good company. Though perhaps I'll motivate myself into hammocking and cooking over the campfire while they're gone.
Saw Bullwinkle last night. He was down in South fork. He really is an awesome sight. Possibly terrifying, but beautiful.
It's late, I'm absolutely worn out, and the kitties require snuggles (they don't care for thunder).
Tomorrow's my day off so I'm hoping to get down to T&J's and do some real interneting.
Taking a deep breath and hoping for the best.
There's been quite a bit of unececarry stress up here lately. Hopefully it all evens out. Otherwise I'll be executing plan B. Stress makes my pain levels soar! My nap today was less of a luxury than a necessity, I got next to no sleep last night.
After my nap I headed down into Ogden and bought propane. 100lbs of propane is a lot. But it'll last a while. Especially if we ever get some summer weather!
Then I got to see Jackie. Funny how some friendships can pick up after years with barely a batting of the eyes. I've missed her.
Mike & Lisa are camping elsewhere for a few weeks. I miss them. They're a great distraction and good company. Though perhaps I'll motivate myself into hammocking and cooking over the campfire while they're gone.
Saw Bullwinkle last night. He was down in South fork. He really is an awesome sight. Possibly terrifying, but beautiful.
It's late, I'm absolutely worn out, and the kitties require snuggles (they don't care for thunder).
Tomorrow's my day off so I'm hoping to get down to T&J's and do some real interneting.
Taking a deep breath and hoping for the best.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I've had a hard time composing my thoughts lately. Aside from the crazy wildlife(jack rabbits, invasive raccoons, white tail deer, yorkies) & fun repeat campers my week has been a lesson in frustration. The weather sucks, everything keeps breaking or going awry. If Mike & Lisa hadn't been here to distract me and remind me to eat I'd probably have had a migraine most of the week.
I miss Scott. He stayed home this weekend to be useful and get things done. I'm all for that but I miss the company here. Even when we don't talk much it's nice to have him here.
There's not a lot I can get done up here when it's pouring and cold. I'd like to do some weed wacking but the darn thing's broken and down in the maintenance shed. Tomorrow hopefully there's a break in the weather so I can blow off the branches and seeds that have fallen. If not I'll put on my parka and go trim branches in some of the tenting sites. If the weather doesn't improve I'm going to have a hard time finding rain compatible ways to stay busy.
Highlight of the week! I got a Weber County Library card for the summer! I've restocked my audio books, and found several historical and paranormal romances by my favorite authors to read. It's keeping me from going stir crazy, and kitties approve of it because it's skritch compatible.
Oscar has entered yet another phase of terrible two. He now hates both my hands, but likes to snuggle my neck & has romantic intentions toward my watch. I have given up on avoiding bites and just pour alcohol on them daily to avoid infection. I really hope this phase ends SOON. He has finally realized that he can't fly and is becoming very adept at climbing and balancing. He's become particularly fond of rocking. His cage swings on the hanging ropes in the shower (his room) and today we discovered that his basket hangs nicely from the over booth cloths line. He rocks back and forth on the ropes or the cloths line and makes all kinds of happy noises.
It's late, I'm exhausted, and 7am comes awful early!
Be well.
I miss Scott. He stayed home this weekend to be useful and get things done. I'm all for that but I miss the company here. Even when we don't talk much it's nice to have him here.
There's not a lot I can get done up here when it's pouring and cold. I'd like to do some weed wacking but the darn thing's broken and down in the maintenance shed. Tomorrow hopefully there's a break in the weather so I can blow off the branches and seeds that have fallen. If not I'll put on my parka and go trim branches in some of the tenting sites. If the weather doesn't improve I'm going to have a hard time finding rain compatible ways to stay busy.
Highlight of the week! I got a Weber County Library card for the summer! I've restocked my audio books, and found several historical and paranormal romances by my favorite authors to read. It's keeping me from going stir crazy, and kitties approve of it because it's skritch compatible.
Oscar has entered yet another phase of terrible two. He now hates both my hands, but likes to snuggle my neck & has romantic intentions toward my watch. I have given up on avoiding bites and just pour alcohol on them daily to avoid infection. I really hope this phase ends SOON. He has finally realized that he can't fly and is becoming very adept at climbing and balancing. He's become particularly fond of rocking. His cage swings on the hanging ropes in the shower (his room) and today we discovered that his basket hangs nicely from the over booth cloths line. He rocks back and forth on the ropes or the cloths line and makes all kinds of happy noises.
It's late, I'm exhausted, and 7am comes awful early!
Be well.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Seriously! Why do I do that to me!
Seriously why'd I say things happen for a reason (I know I always say that, and I understand now why people want to hit me).
Today felt futile! Thank goodness I bothered my mom before I went out into the world. She always reminds me that someone thinks I'm special.
Please don't translate the following as me complaining, I'm mostly trying to motivate myself into changing how I do things. No use being frustrated.
I got my sites cleaned and started the weed whacking. Then wrote my list of supplies I use (as requested) and went to the meeting. I was the ONLY one who wrote the list (got the feeling I was the only one asked)...so it felt like I was complaining...I WASN'T.
Really all I needed was a working headlight (I'm in trouble for taking things apart to find the problem, don't necessarily blame them and won't do it again), ear plugs, firewood (to sell), and the right color of time cards (in trouble for filling out the color they gave me). I want to be pissed at myself for not anticipating that, cuz I usually know when I'm getting myself into trouble...but didn't see it coming.
Oh well.
Today just sucked. But I did motivate the canyon to try a different radio channel (one we used last year) and YAY we can actually hear each other! Also I spotted the a cow moose on my way home (bigger concern than her male counterparts). So maybe I wasn't a total pain.
Fran called me (bless her) and I remembered that sometimes I'm useful and important. Also this job is something I do because I LIKE it...
I really miss her, and visiting was very AWESOME. I understand now why so many people call her just to talk. Being away has made it more than clear how much I love the Tulip Tree. Things there are rarely simple, but as long as the job gets done no one is miserable. I really hope they miss me as much as I miss them.
I have fun stories of Spazzy's time on the porch to share, but lack the patience to write them down.
Happier thoughts soon I promise!
Today felt futile! Thank goodness I bothered my mom before I went out into the world. She always reminds me that someone thinks I'm special.
Please don't translate the following as me complaining, I'm mostly trying to motivate myself into changing how I do things. No use being frustrated.
I got my sites cleaned and started the weed whacking. Then wrote my list of supplies I use (as requested) and went to the meeting. I was the ONLY one who wrote the list (got the feeling I was the only one asked)...so it felt like I was complaining...I WASN'T.
Really all I needed was a working headlight (I'm in trouble for taking things apart to find the problem, don't necessarily blame them and won't do it again), ear plugs, firewood (to sell), and the right color of time cards (in trouble for filling out the color they gave me). I want to be pissed at myself for not anticipating that, cuz I usually know when I'm getting myself into trouble...but didn't see it coming.
Oh well.
Today just sucked. But I did motivate the canyon to try a different radio channel (one we used last year) and YAY we can actually hear each other! Also I spotted the a cow moose on my way home (bigger concern than her male counterparts). So maybe I wasn't a total pain.
Fran called me (bless her) and I remembered that sometimes I'm useful and important. Also this job is something I do because I LIKE it...
I really miss her, and visiting was very AWESOME. I understand now why so many people call her just to talk. Being away has made it more than clear how much I love the Tulip Tree. Things there are rarely simple, but as long as the job gets done no one is miserable. I really hope they miss me as much as I miss them.
I have fun stories of Spazzy's time on the porch to share, but lack the patience to write them down.
Happier thoughts soon I promise!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
72 and Sunny
Today I woke up NOT feeling like I'd been hit by a train. That probably seems like a very normal thing for most folk, but for me lately it's pretty incredible. Perhaps it's the weather clearing up, perhaps it's actually getting enough sleep finally (yes, I stayed in my pajamas until after 12 today). I patroled camp when I opened the gate & the WENT BACK TO BED, figuring the issues I saw then would still be there in a few hours. They were, and now they're dealt with. For the last week I've had whining muscles and nerve pain shooting down both my legs. Starting the day at a manageable pain level was AWESOME!
Mike & Lisa have been here the last couple nights (this explains why I haven't been online). We've had all kinds of good food & great conversations. honestly don't know how I went all winter without them.
Speeking of going without people, I've only called Tulip Tree twice this week. Seems like things there are bumping along nicely without me. They might at least have had the grace to fall appart a little?!? Honestly I'm happy things are going smooth for them. Fran's settling into the new shop space, and everybody's getting ready for summer.
Today I managed to snap a few pictures, some wildlife and a pick of the oh so famous WONDER CART. Speeking of which wonder cart has tires that point the same way this year, however it also has a moody headlight. I really hope we can get that fixed soon cuz I HATE driving by flashlight, it's not at all awesome. Anyhow I finally got a bird book so I can guess what some of these pretty kritters are. I am by NO means and expert, and if you have a better name for one of them let me know!
Yahzi in his favorite spot watching the smellavision.

Here's what was on smellavision just then. A male black chin Hummingbird.

I'm pretty sure this is the same little guy but with the sun reflecting off of his neck.

A rather grumpy Lazuli Bunting on a cold afternoon when the feeders weren't full enough to suit him.

A house finch, sorry it's not as in focus as I'd like but he's so pretty I had to share.

A slithery kritter whom I nearly ran over this afternoon, sorry no snake id book, I mostly just try to avoid them.


Here's Mike working miracles with his grill. Mmmmmmmmnnnnnn.

The process. Yes that's a portable grill he's working on.

The finished product!

Oscar has decided that strawberries though very RED are pretty nummy. His beak is covered in sticky red juice & he's making all kinds of happy noises. Spazzy has decided that the BIG window in the back of the camper (the screen door) is preferable to the little ones all over. She sits there most of the afternoon & surveys what she considers HER territory. She nearly even forgives me for going outside, since I usually bring back interesting smells for her. The wild birds have gone through nearly all the seed I have, and I'm affraid they'll have to wait for payday for me to get down the canyon. I just don't think I'm willing to strap a 40lb box of seed to the seat of my scooter...nope.
I've got rowdy campers in the top of my loop that need checking on, so I'd better head back up there AGAIN. Seriously, this is my job, it's not personal, & I'm not making up the rules! Just give up on trying to 'sneak' stuff on me already!
WOW, some brave soul just pulled in with tubes on top of their car. I am neither that brave, or that foolish. BRRRRRRR!
Didn't get this all finished yesterday so I'm going to tack on a few notes from today. Today was/is GORGEOUS! 80 with a light breeze and no campers to piss me off. It's a poetic coincidence that the sheriff followed my problem campers out of the campground...
Scott hung around to help me get my tents up and that's made a big difference in making Willows seem more like home again. I now have my "village" up and as soon as I get done tweeking things to my liking I'll snap a pic. This afternoon Mom & Glenn brought me a couple more hummer feeders, and Thom & Judy picked up bird seed for me while they were at Costco. I am SET. Smellavision is gonna be awesome.
I've had a good crowd of lookers coming through this afternoon, but no stayers. That's fine with me after last night. I've got plenty of work to keep me busy cleaning this week. Gotta go make a list of all the supplies I go through on a regular basis for the canyon meeting tomorrow.
Everything happens for a reason.
<3 -m
Today I woke up NOT feeling like I'd been hit by a train. That probably seems like a very normal thing for most folk, but for me lately it's pretty incredible. Perhaps it's the weather clearing up, perhaps it's actually getting enough sleep finally (yes, I stayed in my pajamas until after 12 today). I patroled camp when I opened the gate & the WENT BACK TO BED, figuring the issues I saw then would still be there in a few hours. They were, and now they're dealt with. For the last week I've had whining muscles and nerve pain shooting down both my legs. Starting the day at a manageable pain level was AWESOME!
Mike & Lisa have been here the last couple nights (this explains why I haven't been online). We've had all kinds of good food & great conversations. honestly don't know how I went all winter without them.
Speeking of going without people, I've only called Tulip Tree twice this week. Seems like things there are bumping along nicely without me. They might at least have had the grace to fall appart a little?!? Honestly I'm happy things are going smooth for them. Fran's settling into the new shop space, and everybody's getting ready for summer.
Today I managed to snap a few pictures, some wildlife and a pick of the oh so famous WONDER CART. Speeking of which wonder cart has tires that point the same way this year, however it also has a moody headlight. I really hope we can get that fixed soon cuz I HATE driving by flashlight, it's not at all awesome. Anyhow I finally got a bird book so I can guess what some of these pretty kritters are. I am by NO means and expert, and if you have a better name for one of them let me know!
Yahzi in his favorite spot watching the smellavision.
Here's what was on smellavision just then. A male black chin Hummingbird.
I'm pretty sure this is the same little guy but with the sun reflecting off of his neck.
A rather grumpy Lazuli Bunting on a cold afternoon when the feeders weren't full enough to suit him.
A house finch, sorry it's not as in focus as I'd like but he's so pretty I had to share.
A slithery kritter whom I nearly ran over this afternoon, sorry no snake id book, I mostly just try to avoid them.
Here's Mike working miracles with his grill. Mmmmmmmmnnnnnn.
The process. Yes that's a portable grill he's working on.
The finished product!
Oscar has decided that strawberries though very RED are pretty nummy. His beak is covered in sticky red juice & he's making all kinds of happy noises. Spazzy has decided that the BIG window in the back of the camper (the screen door) is preferable to the little ones all over. She sits there most of the afternoon & surveys what she considers HER territory. She nearly even forgives me for going outside, since I usually bring back interesting smells for her. The wild birds have gone through nearly all the seed I have, and I'm affraid they'll have to wait for payday for me to get down the canyon. I just don't think I'm willing to strap a 40lb box of seed to the seat of my scooter...nope.
I've got rowdy campers in the top of my loop that need checking on, so I'd better head back up there AGAIN. Seriously, this is my job, it's not personal, & I'm not making up the rules! Just give up on trying to 'sneak' stuff on me already!
WOW, some brave soul just pulled in with tubes on top of their car. I am neither that brave, or that foolish. BRRRRRRR!
Didn't get this all finished yesterday so I'm going to tack on a few notes from today. Today was/is GORGEOUS! 80 with a light breeze and no campers to piss me off. It's a poetic coincidence that the sheriff followed my problem campers out of the campground...
Scott hung around to help me get my tents up and that's made a big difference in making Willows seem more like home again. I now have my "village" up and as soon as I get done tweeking things to my liking I'll snap a pic. This afternoon Mom & Glenn brought me a couple more hummer feeders, and Thom & Judy picked up bird seed for me while they were at Costco. I am SET. Smellavision is gonna be awesome.
I've had a good crowd of lookers coming through this afternoon, but no stayers. That's fine with me after last night. I've got plenty of work to keep me busy cleaning this week. Gotta go make a list of all the supplies I go through on a regular basis for the canyon meeting tomorrow.
Everything happens for a reason.
<3 -m
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Woke up with a sore throat and ear ache. Have had a headache for days but thought it was just stress. Scott thinks maybe I was right. I give up! I have stuff to get done, and things to finish. I can NOT be sick. But today i was. I took a good nap and am now being punished for it. It's 1:30 and a convenient time to tie up my phone line, excellent for Spazz to get snuggles, and BAD for me to be awake! I really hope this is just another symptom of my allergies and backs off! The weather's supposed to be great this weekend, so I'm gonna need to kick butt & take names. I want to say "bring it" and smile, but with a flat tire on the golf cart and not feeling my best I'm sorta whimpering. Oh well. That's what I get for bragging on Mike's cooking and admitting that I'd need to log miles on the trike!
Let's all focus on being well this weekend K?
Let's all focus on being well this weekend K?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Another rainy day.
This weather's keeping things pretty quiet up here. I wait for breaks in the weather to get a few sites cleaned out then come back in to snuggle kitties and watch the rain. The soundtrack for these days has been a mix of Stan Rogers, Nathan Rogers, and Garnet Rogers. I just love their deep voices and acoustic guitar.
Tomorrow's supposed to be my day off, but I might wait and take part of Thursday instead.
Today I ran into Eden to get a few essential grocery supplies and mail off the bills. While I was there it became apparent that my car has some kind of power steering issue. I had a bit of an adventure getting back up the canyon...really hope that when I check the fluid tomorrow & that'll be the issue. I can't afford any sort of repair bill just now! It's sorta amazing how many small expenses have piled up this week getting here and set up. But I'm here and set now, and shouldn't have that kind of expenses for a while.
My New York gang is here this week. Mike's trying to feed me to death. I've never before seen fried chicken and collard greens come off of a grill! But if anyone can do it he can.
I snapped pictures of everything I ate yesterday (it's that good), and as soon as I locate my camera reader I'll post the pics. I'm definitely gonna have to log some miles on my trike to make up for all this :)

Ooh! Rains stopped! Time to go out and move firewood!
Be well!
Tomorrow's supposed to be my day off, but I might wait and take part of Thursday instead.
Today I ran into Eden to get a few essential grocery supplies and mail off the bills. While I was there it became apparent that my car has some kind of power steering issue. I had a bit of an adventure getting back up the canyon...really hope that when I check the fluid tomorrow & that'll be the issue. I can't afford any sort of repair bill just now! It's sorta amazing how many small expenses have piled up this week getting here and set up. But I'm here and set now, and shouldn't have that kind of expenses for a while.
My New York gang is here this week. Mike's trying to feed me to death. I've never before seen fried chicken and collard greens come off of a grill! But if anyone can do it he can.
I snapped pictures of everything I ate yesterday (it's that good), and as soon as I locate my camera reader I'll post the pics. I'm definitely gonna have to log some miles on my trike to make up for all this :)
Ooh! Rains stopped! Time to go out and move firewood!
Be well!
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