Last night we had a NASTY wind storm. There was quite a bit of noise around my camper during the night. Loud bangs & cracking noises from all the trees, flapping and banging from my *fabulous* canopy (I hate the thing and have to fix something about it every few days), thunder, hail, and constant buffeting from the wind. I wondered what was going on several times, but had already gotten cold and wet enough while tying things down for the night.
Here's my temporary solution to weighing down the canopy, it's a bit pricey as tarp weights go, but it worked until the rope loops ripped out of the canopy seam (I'll have re-sewn the whole thing soon).
This morning when I went out there was a BIG broken branch dangling from the tree in front of the truck & camper. I'm very very lucky it doesn't come threaten my camper. Good thing that it's over my driveway instead of one of the campsites. Maintenance came by to inspect it and will be back later to try bringing it down with a rope and hook. I've placed cones and orange buckets around to keep people away, and am just watching and waiting. Every so often a piece falls, some rather large, some just bark shreds. I'm not going under there to clean it up until the whole things down!
Got some fun pictures this morning while I had my camera out to get a picture of the tree. There was ice on everything and apparently it snowed.
Ice on the roof of my car.
There's a group of rabbits who live just across the road from me. I took several shots and mostly got blurrs, but the blurrs are kinda fun too. Here's a collage.
While everyone was here trying to decide how to handle the tree, I left Oscar loose on the kitchen table. He found the pile of cards I had ready to mail out, and decided that one of them needed his special touch.
He's helping me type this just now, and explaining why he's a good boy and Scott's bad. It's one of his favorite discussions.
Ouch! an hour of weed wacking and blowing, preceded by moving my wood pile has resulted in a huge knot between my shoulder blades. Good thing Scott's coming tomorrow to help me get through the weekend. I believe I'll crawl into bed, snuggle kitties, read a book, and wait for another part of the tree to fall.
Alls well that ends well.
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