Today I woke up NOT feeling like I'd been hit by a train. That probably seems like a very normal thing for most folk, but for me lately it's pretty incredible. Perhaps it's the weather clearing up, perhaps it's actually getting enough sleep finally (yes, I stayed in my pajamas until after 12 today). I patroled camp when I opened the gate & the WENT BACK TO BED, figuring the issues I saw then would still be there in a few hours. They were, and now they're dealt with. For the last week I've had whining muscles and nerve pain shooting down both my legs. Starting the day at a manageable pain level was AWESOME!
Mike & Lisa have been here the last couple nights (this explains why I haven't been online). We've had all kinds of good food & great conversations. honestly don't know how I went all winter without them.
Speeking of going without people, I've only called Tulip Tree twice this week. Seems like things there are bumping along nicely without me. They might at least have had the grace to fall appart a little?!? Honestly I'm happy things are going smooth for them. Fran's settling into the new shop space, and everybody's getting ready for summer.
Today I managed to snap a few pictures, some wildlife and a pick of the oh so famous WONDER CART. Speeking of which wonder cart has tires that point the same way this year, however it also has a moody headlight. I really hope we can get that fixed soon cuz I HATE driving by flashlight, it's not at all awesome. Anyhow I finally got a bird book so I can guess what some of these pretty kritters are. I am by NO means and expert, and if you have a better name for one of them let me know!
Yahzi in his favorite spot watching the smellavision.
Here's what was on smellavision just then. A male black chin Hummingbird.
I'm pretty sure this is the same little guy but with the sun reflecting off of his neck.
A rather grumpy Lazuli Bunting on a cold afternoon when the feeders weren't full enough to suit him.
A house finch, sorry it's not as in focus as I'd like but he's so pretty I had to share.
A slithery kritter whom I nearly ran over this afternoon, sorry no snake id book, I mostly just try to avoid them.
Here's Mike working miracles with his grill. Mmmmmmmmnnnnnn.
The process. Yes that's a portable grill he's working on.
The finished product!
Oscar has decided that strawberries though very RED are pretty nummy. His beak is covered in sticky red juice & he's making all kinds of happy noises. Spazzy has decided that the BIG window in the back of the camper (the screen door) is preferable to the little ones all over. She sits there most of the afternoon & surveys what she considers HER territory. She nearly even forgives me for going outside, since I usually bring back interesting smells for her. The wild birds have gone through nearly all the seed I have, and I'm affraid they'll have to wait for payday for me to get down the canyon. I just don't think I'm willing to strap a 40lb box of seed to the seat of my scooter...nope.
I've got rowdy campers in the top of my loop that need checking on, so I'd better head back up there AGAIN. Seriously, this is my job, it's not personal, & I'm not making up the rules! Just give up on trying to 'sneak' stuff on me already!
WOW, some brave soul just pulled in with tubes on top of their car. I am neither that brave, or that foolish. BRRRRRRR!
Didn't get this all finished yesterday so I'm going to tack on a few notes from today. Today was/is GORGEOUS! 80 with a light breeze and no campers to piss me off. It's a poetic coincidence that the sheriff followed my problem campers out of the campground...
Scott hung around to help me get my tents up and that's made a big difference in making Willows seem more like home again. I now have my "village" up and as soon as I get done tweeking things to my liking I'll snap a pic. This afternoon Mom & Glenn brought me a couple more hummer feeders, and Thom & Judy picked up bird seed for me while they were at Costco. I am SET. Smellavision is gonna be awesome.
I've had a good crowd of lookers coming through this afternoon, but no stayers. That's fine with me after last night. I've got plenty of work to keep me busy cleaning this week. Gotta go make a list of all the supplies I go through on a regular basis for the canyon meeting tomorrow.
Everything happens for a reason.
<3 -m
Your first hummer is a black chinned hummer, but the second pic is a Male Broadtail hummer. The black chin has purple throat, and the broadtail had red throat (which often looks bronze). If the House Finch is bigger than most house finch, it's probably a Cassins Finch. Nice pictures AND I envy you!!