I'm headed to Logan tomorrow. Yay. It's Mom's first big event since her surgery, so I'm going up to help her work her miracles. I'll try to get some pictures and post them...but no guarantees, usually by the time the arrangements are done I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep like a kitty.
Just my luck, I spent most of last night trying not to scream. One of my ribs is out of alignment (this is my non medical description) and is putting all kinds of pressure on nerves. Between the nausea and it being rather painful to breathe, I have not had a good day. But when Scott got home tonight he was able to pop what I think was the out of place bone, and now all I'm dealing with is the sore muscles. I hope! Isn't the human body an interesting machine. Scotty just found some of my soma while cleaning the kitchen. Yippee I thought I was out. That certainly helps me feel more happy shiny about tomorrow.
Went to dinner with Judy, Thom, & Russ. Good times. I honestly think we could have a good time with those guys just watching paint dry.
Oscar has just informed me that it is BIRDY SNUGGLE TIME. And after that I think I really will try sleeping like a kitty, that appeals more and more as I think about it.
Live Long & Prosper.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
quick note
I just got home from the dentist and half of my face is numb, so if something here doesn't make sense, that's why. I'm ever so slightly distracted. But I haven't posted in a while and want to catch up. Not that I'm certain anyone reads this, but it's cathartic for me to write things down
It was an interesting weekend. When we got to Antelope Island the campground was full, & the ranger was recommending Willard Bay, 15 miles north. So we went north. There were a few other campers, mostly tents, so we settled into a far corner. We usually try to camp away from the bathrooms, and away from the tent campers (sometimes for our noise, sometimes for their noise, that and tenters almost always means little kids, who can be down right nosy about the one leg and the parrot). The anti mosquito bat squad must still be in hibernation, and we'd forgotten to load firewood, so we didn't spend much time outside. It started raining during then night, and by the time we woke up we had the campground all to ourselves. I do feel bad for all the folk who had a miserable night, but it sure was fun to listen to the raindrops on the rooftop while snuggled safe and warm in bed. Saturday we trekked across the mud and climbed the edge of the lake....and then promptly climbed back down. Windy!!!! and not much to see. Not even any boats out puddling around. Scott took a short walk through the grass and came back with a soaking wet shoe. I stayed on the mud, and asphalt. We had fun watching birds and bugs for a while but quickly retreated to the camper. Good thing cuz the next time we looked out it was snowing. Spent several hours playing the farm game (Scotty won this time). And Oscar was all kinds of helpful.
I managed to tweak my back by walking into the camper slide while we were packing (genius I know) and so we came home early Sunday so that I could have kitty therapy. Don't know why, but being at home just feels better. I'll give the cat's credit.
Today I got to go to lunch with Russ. YAY! Funny how it's only been a few months but it's felt like forever! We went to Chin Wah and of course had Phoenix Chicken, and Russ agrees with me, their egg drop soup is weird, good, but weird. We did indulge our cruel selves a little by sending Scotty pictures of our food...I know it's mean, but it's not very often we get the chance to tease him like that. He'll get even. He always does. And then we'll find some new way to tease him. I'm looking forward to spending a little more time with those folk before they fly north. And then I'll be looking forward to going north to camp. Lots of looking forward to do.
My cheek is coming un-numb. I think I'll go try drinking water, when I tried it a while ago I spilled more than I swallowed.
Remember I'm pullin' for ya, we're all in this together.
It was an interesting weekend. When we got to Antelope Island the campground was full, & the ranger was recommending Willard Bay, 15 miles north. So we went north. There were a few other campers, mostly tents, so we settled into a far corner. We usually try to camp away from the bathrooms, and away from the tent campers (sometimes for our noise, sometimes for their noise, that and tenters almost always means little kids, who can be down right nosy about the one leg and the parrot). The anti mosquito bat squad must still be in hibernation, and we'd forgotten to load firewood, so we didn't spend much time outside. It started raining during then night, and by the time we woke up we had the campground all to ourselves. I do feel bad for all the folk who had a miserable night, but it sure was fun to listen to the raindrops on the rooftop while snuggled safe and warm in bed. Saturday we trekked across the mud and climbed the edge of the lake....and then promptly climbed back down. Windy!!!! and not much to see. Not even any boats out puddling around. Scott took a short walk through the grass and came back with a soaking wet shoe. I stayed on the mud, and asphalt. We had fun watching birds and bugs for a while but quickly retreated to the camper. Good thing cuz the next time we looked out it was snowing. Spent several hours playing the farm game (Scotty won this time). And Oscar was all kinds of helpful.
I managed to tweak my back by walking into the camper slide while we were packing (genius I know) and so we came home early Sunday so that I could have kitty therapy. Don't know why, but being at home just feels better. I'll give the cat's credit.
Today I got to go to lunch with Russ. YAY! Funny how it's only been a few months but it's felt like forever! We went to Chin Wah and of course had Phoenix Chicken, and Russ agrees with me, their egg drop soup is weird, good, but weird. We did indulge our cruel selves a little by sending Scotty pictures of our food...I know it's mean, but it's not very often we get the chance to tease him like that. He'll get even. He always does. And then we'll find some new way to tease him. I'm looking forward to spending a little more time with those folk before they fly north. And then I'll be looking forward to going north to camp. Lots of looking forward to do.
My cheek is coming un-numb. I think I'll go try drinking water, when I tried it a while ago I spilled more than I swallowed.
Remember I'm pullin' for ya, we're all in this together.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Let the sun shine!
Yesterday Oscar & I hung out in the back yard for an hour. It was lovely! He had a good chat with the wild birds (he's practicing how to do a quail call), and I fell asleep...and somehow sunburned the soles of my feet. I didn't know that was possible. With all my Lake Powell sunburns, I have never burned the bottoms of my feet. It is the most interesting sensation. Thank goodness I still have the burn turns to tan skin I enjoyed so much as a teenager. Anyhow, he jumped out of his bath tub, off of the table, and onto my head to wake me up before I burned more than my feet. Good Birdy. I sure am enjoying him having trimmed wings. He's still crazy, but less annoying.
Tonight while I was prepping camper meals (we're going to Antelope Island again this weekend) I called Royla and gave her some ham scraps. Next thing I know, Oscar jumps off his cage, waddles over there and starts pulling the scraps away from her and chasing her around. I expected her to be aggressive about it and go after him (she won't even let Spazzy steal her food), but she just kept ambling away and waiting till he got bored with it. Ham's not on his bad food list so I let him chew on it until he got bored. I'm still not leaving them together unattended, but I believe this is in fact proof that all the animals at my house are hopelessly confused. Yahzi thinks he's a baby, Spazzy thinks she's a superior being (she might be right), Oscar thinks he's a cat, and Royla...well I have a very hard time diagnosing her. And if they're that confused about themselves, I can't imagine what they think about their people. Good thing none of them have to survive in the wild. The standard response to danger at our house is to roll over and show your tummy. Well except for Oscar, he just bites the shit out of whatever's bugging him. Good strategy that, maybe I'll try it.
As I said we're camping again this weekend. Didn't have anything else planned, and couldn't come up with a reason not to. I think I enjoy these impromptu trips the most! Well impromptu in that we decided yesterday that we were going. Most people would consider any trip that involves a spread sheet NOT impromptu. But it keeps us efficient, and we don't bring home leftovers when I plan a menu & make a packing list. So whatever, I'll do what I want! As Scott says, years of Lake Powell packing have made me somewhat of an expert. That, and it's always a more pleasant trip when we don't remember three things we forgot on the way to the campground. Though the iron chef substitution moments are kind of fun in their own way.
Alright, I'm off to research blm land in utah and read Judy's blog.
Live long and prosper!
Tonight while I was prepping camper meals (we're going to Antelope Island again this weekend) I called Royla and gave her some ham scraps. Next thing I know, Oscar jumps off his cage, waddles over there and starts pulling the scraps away from her and chasing her around. I expected her to be aggressive about it and go after him (she won't even let Spazzy steal her food), but she just kept ambling away and waiting till he got bored with it. Ham's not on his bad food list so I let him chew on it until he got bored. I'm still not leaving them together unattended, but I believe this is in fact proof that all the animals at my house are hopelessly confused. Yahzi thinks he's a baby, Spazzy thinks she's a superior being (she might be right), Oscar thinks he's a cat, and Royla...well I have a very hard time diagnosing her. And if they're that confused about themselves, I can't imagine what they think about their people. Good thing none of them have to survive in the wild. The standard response to danger at our house is to roll over and show your tummy. Well except for Oscar, he just bites the shit out of whatever's bugging him. Good strategy that, maybe I'll try it.
As I said we're camping again this weekend. Didn't have anything else planned, and couldn't come up with a reason not to. I think I enjoy these impromptu trips the most! Well impromptu in that we decided yesterday that we were going. Most people would consider any trip that involves a spread sheet NOT impromptu. But it keeps us efficient, and we don't bring home leftovers when I plan a menu & make a packing list. So whatever, I'll do what I want! As Scott says, years of Lake Powell packing have made me somewhat of an expert. That, and it's always a more pleasant trip when we don't remember three things we forgot on the way to the campground. Though the iron chef substitution moments are kind of fun in their own way.
Alright, I'm off to research blm land in utah and read Judy's blog.
Live long and prosper!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
An interesting day.
This morning when my phone reminded me to be to work my 9 I said No, I don't work Tuesdays, that has to be wrong. So I did another batch of laundry and kept looking for black dress shoes *Wow, I didn't have any*...and at noon I remembered to check my calender, I really WAS supposed to be there. CRAP! So I called, and they didn't know I was supposed to be there either. So no harm done...except to my wallet...oh well. I'd rather miss a shift when it's slow like this than be there trying to keep busy.
Went for my interview this afternoon...and it was interesting. I really hope I get the job I interviewed for yesterday or last week. Something just didn't feel right today. Yesterday was awesome. I think I'd much rather be there. But beggars can't be choosers, and I'm back out there applying for more jobs tonight. I really hope I can find a job that wants to hire me and I want to work at. I know that's asking a lot. But I try to put all the good I can into the world, some has to come back at me eventually.
Heard from Russ he's okay. Sounds like he's about as sore as me (been a bad week for my back), but he's coping and so am I. He told me about the cool museum they went to in Overton (NV) the Lost City museum (I think, there was phone issues) geological and historical (think Anasazi) exhibits from before they filled up Lake Mead. I think I'll add that one to my list of cool things to see.
Sounds like our nomad family had a frustrating trip north from Quartzsite. Muccuy (Judy's Quaker Parrot) was rejected from California, so they had to take a looooonnnng detour to get north. Good to know if we ever take Oscar with us. Guess Bawky Bird ain't ever gonna see the San Francisco Bridge...oh well. We'll leave him with Matt that trip. Or (I know this is gonna be Scotty's thought when he reads this) we'll fly in our private plane and make it a weekend trip. Holy crap does the very thought of that FEAK me out!
For those of you just checking in Mari DOES NOT LIKE FLYING! I'm just fine with the gliding along, but the up and down bits put me into shut down mode. Scott's instructor on Sunday offered to let me ride with them...NO...no I'm absolutely sure, NO. As Scott says, there's not enough prozac in the world. Well maybe there is, but there wasn't enough in me at that moment to make it anything other and a pretty good hyperventilation. Deffinitely gonna need some anti anxiety meds to get to where I can go places with him.
Oscar had his wings trimmed yesterday afternoon, and he is one sad little climbing bird today. He wants to fly, and the vet left him enough feathers to flap, but he just can't get any lift. Poor baby. I love it! no more chasing him all over. He is a much more humble creature. But still a brat. I expect his next trick to be riding the cats around the house to get where he wants to be...when he manages it I'll post a picture.
Gonna go watch the end of American Idol. No I'm not a fan, I just need to know when it's safe to bug the nomad family again (Judy's a fan). And maybe it will help me understand the play we went to at Desert Star last night American Fork Idol (was okay, but the Oleo was better than the rest of the show).
Ya'll enjoy this good weather we're having!
Went for my interview this afternoon...and it was interesting. I really hope I get the job I interviewed for yesterday or last week. Something just didn't feel right today. Yesterday was awesome. I think I'd much rather be there. But beggars can't be choosers, and I'm back out there applying for more jobs tonight. I really hope I can find a job that wants to hire me and I want to work at. I know that's asking a lot. But I try to put all the good I can into the world, some has to come back at me eventually.
Heard from Russ he's okay. Sounds like he's about as sore as me (been a bad week for my back), but he's coping and so am I. He told me about the cool museum they went to in Overton (NV) the Lost City museum (I think, there was phone issues) geological and historical (think Anasazi) exhibits from before they filled up Lake Mead. I think I'll add that one to my list of cool things to see.
Sounds like our nomad family had a frustrating trip north from Quartzsite. Muccuy (Judy's Quaker Parrot) was rejected from California, so they had to take a looooonnnng detour to get north. Good to know if we ever take Oscar with us. Guess Bawky Bird ain't ever gonna see the San Francisco Bridge...oh well. We'll leave him with Matt that trip. Or (I know this is gonna be Scotty's thought when he reads this) we'll fly in our private plane and make it a weekend trip. Holy crap does the very thought of that FEAK me out!
For those of you just checking in Mari DOES NOT LIKE FLYING! I'm just fine with the gliding along, but the up and down bits put me into shut down mode. Scott's instructor on Sunday offered to let me ride with them...NO...no I'm absolutely sure, NO. As Scott says, there's not enough prozac in the world. Well maybe there is, but there wasn't enough in me at that moment to make it anything other and a pretty good hyperventilation. Deffinitely gonna need some anti anxiety meds to get to where I can go places with him.
Oscar had his wings trimmed yesterday afternoon, and he is one sad little climbing bird today. He wants to fly, and the vet left him enough feathers to flap, but he just can't get any lift. Poor baby. I love it! no more chasing him all over. He is a much more humble creature. But still a brat. I expect his next trick to be riding the cats around the house to get where he wants to be...when he manages it I'll post a picture.
Gonna go watch the end of American Idol. No I'm not a fan, I just need to know when it's safe to bug the nomad family again (Judy's a fan). And maybe it will help me understand the play we went to at Desert Star last night American Fork Idol (was okay, but the Oleo was better than the rest of the show).
Ya'll enjoy this good weather we're having!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Another Week Gone?
And feels like nothing to show for it. But there really is. Just nothing exciting.
I planted a bunch of seeds last Sunday, our kitchen window is filled with pots. If I haven't screwed up we should have catnip, mint, lavender, sweet peas, & plain ol grass.
I had the job interview Tuesday, it went well, I think (never can be sure). Haven't heard back from them. I've got two more lined up for Monday and Tuesday of next week. FINALLY! I am so relieved. Even if i don't get a job out of these interviews at least it's finally something. I am having a bit of a mental debate about rather I want a full time job or not. I hadn't considered it, but then I gave up and began applying for anything I qualified for, and one of these interviews is full time...so...but I'm pretty sure I can handle it...but mom isn't. I try not to listen to her when she's being insecure for me, but the seeds of doubt are sown.
Got to do funeral flowers for the Emmer family, don't want to use the term "fun" but it's always nice to exercise my floral skills when there's no overlord glaring over my shoulder. And I like helping friends out (though it in no way repays all the favors I owe them).
Work is winding up for mothers day...I'm trying to be excited. At least I'll get a few more hours worth of pay. Woohooo. Good grief I need a better attitude!
Scotty's got his first flying lesson tomorrow. My skin crawls even thinking about it. I am terrified that something will go wrong and he'll get hurt or killed. I know it's safer than mortorcycling but I freak out about that too (yes this does make me hypocritical because I love biking). I guess it's cuz it scared the hell out of me when he lost his leg and I'm not sure I could deal with anything like that again. So, I'll be doing the worry dance the whole time he's up there. But it's something he wants and I will NOT be the kind of wife who tells him what he can and can't do. I'll just be the kind of wife who quietly has a nervous break down while he's flying. Hopefully it's something I can get over eventually.
Oscar & I had a nice adventure in the sunshine today. He came outside with me while I did a little carving (stress management). He played all kinds of games with his knotty toy (his favorite cage toy) and told the wild birds all about what a good boy he is and what kitties say, and , and, and. I don't think the wild birds really appreciated his story, but he seemed to enjoy all their responses. Spazzy however did not enjoy our adventure. She guarded us from the back door the whole time we were outside. At one point she and Oscar had a very detailed meow conversation about how scary it outside is. From my clumsy human interpretation, he thinks outside is just fine, and she thinks it's terrifying and no one should ever go out there.
I'm worried about Yahzi's Uncle Russ. I haven't heard from him all day (that's unusual) and Judy's blog says he hurt his back this morning. Hurt backs are no fun! They're supposed to be driving north tomorrow so a hurt back could be all the more frustrating. Hopefully I hear from him soon. In the mean time I'll worry and send positive energy.
Mnkay, gonna go try to get some rest and try not to freak out about Scotty's plans for tomorrow. Wish me luck.
I planted a bunch of seeds last Sunday, our kitchen window is filled with pots. If I haven't screwed up we should have catnip, mint, lavender, sweet peas, & plain ol grass.
I had the job interview Tuesday, it went well, I think (never can be sure). Haven't heard back from them. I've got two more lined up for Monday and Tuesday of next week. FINALLY! I am so relieved. Even if i don't get a job out of these interviews at least it's finally something. I am having a bit of a mental debate about rather I want a full time job or not. I hadn't considered it, but then I gave up and began applying for anything I qualified for, and one of these interviews is full time...so...but I'm pretty sure I can handle it...but mom isn't. I try not to listen to her when she's being insecure for me, but the seeds of doubt are sown.
Got to do funeral flowers for the Emmer family, don't want to use the term "fun" but it's always nice to exercise my floral skills when there's no overlord glaring over my shoulder. And I like helping friends out (though it in no way repays all the favors I owe them).
Work is winding up for mothers day...I'm trying to be excited. At least I'll get a few more hours worth of pay. Woohooo. Good grief I need a better attitude!
Scotty's got his first flying lesson tomorrow. My skin crawls even thinking about it. I am terrified that something will go wrong and he'll get hurt or killed. I know it's safer than mortorcycling but I freak out about that too (yes this does make me hypocritical because I love biking). I guess it's cuz it scared the hell out of me when he lost his leg and I'm not sure I could deal with anything like that again. So, I'll be doing the worry dance the whole time he's up there. But it's something he wants and I will NOT be the kind of wife who tells him what he can and can't do. I'll just be the kind of wife who quietly has a nervous break down while he's flying. Hopefully it's something I can get over eventually.
Oscar & I had a nice adventure in the sunshine today. He came outside with me while I did a little carving (stress management). He played all kinds of games with his knotty toy (his favorite cage toy) and told the wild birds all about what a good boy he is and what kitties say, and , and, and. I don't think the wild birds really appreciated his story, but he seemed to enjoy all their responses. Spazzy however did not enjoy our adventure. She guarded us from the back door the whole time we were outside. At one point she and Oscar had a very detailed meow conversation about how scary it outside is. From my clumsy human interpretation, he thinks outside is just fine, and she thinks it's terrifying and no one should ever go out there.
I'm worried about Yahzi's Uncle Russ. I haven't heard from him all day (that's unusual) and Judy's blog says he hurt his back this morning. Hurt backs are no fun! They're supposed to be driving north tomorrow so a hurt back could be all the more frustrating. Hopefully I hear from him soon. In the mean time I'll worry and send positive energy.
Mnkay, gonna go try to get some rest and try not to freak out about Scotty's plans for tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I've got an interview tomorrow at the community college. FINALLY! There's no guarantees but I'm delighted none the less. Just getting an interview is encouraging. I was beginning to doubt myself. This is for the cosmetology receptionist/clerk position. I'm definitely qualified, and the pay is way better than what I'm getting at Hyland.
And even if they have the same kind of drama (I know, it's everywhere) at least it will be new drama and I won't be involved. Not that I'm really involved in anything at Hyland anymore....
So anyhow, fingers crossed and wish me luck!
And even if they have the same kind of drama (I know, it's everywhere) at least it will be new drama and I won't be involved. Not that I'm really involved in anything at Hyland anymore....
So anyhow, fingers crossed and wish me luck!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hippity Hop Hop
Just got home from the hospital. Kim's doing really well. She's still a bit of a pin cushion with tubes going in and out of her lung, but she's recovering faster than other patients who've had the same procedure. This is fantastic news. I had an awesome visit and almost feel bad that it had to happen while she's in a hospital bed. But that's just almost, it was fun and I probably stayed too long.
I was up until 3:00am last night finishing Raechel Rust's wedding flowers. Yesterday was just one of those days. All day long. But the flowers turned out awesome, and even I loved them (sad how many I don't love). Can't believe little Raechel is all grown up....that's just crazy! It makes me feel old. Lyndie's in college, Jamie's driving, Kelcee's chasing boys.....it's all just crazy.
Oscar is driving me nuts!!! He can fly now and thinks it's fun to make me chase him back and forth. We are going to the wing choppers next week for sure. Still can't decide rather to go to the same place Judy takes her birds, or to have his vet do it this first time....every time I make up my mind I change it again. I just know I'm sick of chasing, sick of not being able to cage him when I need to. Sick of him crash landing in my hair!!!
It's Kitty Bird birthday this week. Everbody put on hats and get out the whistles and confetti. Well maybe not hats, just snuggle blankets. And not whistles just rubber bands and twist ties. And not confetti, just catnip. Either way, that's just what does it for them.
Heard from my nomad family, they're getting ready for the next push north. Very soon they will be here!! Can't wait, and just might haul south to camp with them before they get this far. Depends on the weather and how many projects we can get done.
Scott and I are finally ready to face our mandatory bathroom renovations. It's all needed to happen for a while but was too big a project to take on. Now it's too big a project NOT to take on. Funny how that works. I've been measuring, and plotting, and sketching and researching, and re measuring, and .... all week. We've got the master bath figured out, but I'm stalled on the hallway bath. Can not find a bathtub we like. I know I'm ridiculously picky about some things, but I'm really not being about this, just can't find the right kind of tub in that size. Grrrr. Anyhow must have a plan for both before we can start on either, so that project isn't gonna get done any time soon. Maybe if we watch enough episodes of "bathtastic" the right thing will magically appear. Can't hurt to pretend. Well can, but doesn't yet.
Oscar says "Meow meow, Bawky Bawky." that's a direct quote. It means (I think) "Me attention NOW." and Yahzi's laying ON the mouse again. Seems like most of my entries end this way lately. But they are my keepers (that's what they think anyhow, and all my time is theirs).
Happy Bunny Day Ya'll!
I was up until 3:00am last night finishing Raechel Rust's wedding flowers. Yesterday was just one of those days. All day long. But the flowers turned out awesome, and even I loved them (sad how many I don't love). Can't believe little Raechel is all grown up....that's just crazy! It makes me feel old. Lyndie's in college, Jamie's driving, Kelcee's chasing boys.....it's all just crazy.
Oscar is driving me nuts!!! He can fly now and thinks it's fun to make me chase him back and forth. We are going to the wing choppers next week for sure. Still can't decide rather to go to the same place Judy takes her birds, or to have his vet do it this first time....every time I make up my mind I change it again. I just know I'm sick of chasing, sick of not being able to cage him when I need to. Sick of him crash landing in my hair!!!
It's Kitty Bird birthday this week. Everbody put on hats and get out the whistles and confetti. Well maybe not hats, just snuggle blankets. And not whistles just rubber bands and twist ties. And not confetti, just catnip. Either way, that's just what does it for them.
Heard from my nomad family, they're getting ready for the next push north. Very soon they will be here!! Can't wait, and just might haul south to camp with them before they get this far. Depends on the weather and how many projects we can get done.
Scott and I are finally ready to face our mandatory bathroom renovations. It's all needed to happen for a while but was too big a project to take on. Now it's too big a project NOT to take on. Funny how that works. I've been measuring, and plotting, and sketching and researching, and re measuring, and .... all week. We've got the master bath figured out, but I'm stalled on the hallway bath. Can not find a bathtub we like. I know I'm ridiculously picky about some things, but I'm really not being about this, just can't find the right kind of tub in that size. Grrrr. Anyhow must have a plan for both before we can start on either, so that project isn't gonna get done any time soon. Maybe if we watch enough episodes of "bathtastic" the right thing will magically appear. Can't hurt to pretend. Well can, but doesn't yet.
Oscar says "Meow meow, Bawky Bawky." that's a direct quote. It means (I think) "Me attention NOW." and Yahzi's laying ON the mouse again. Seems like most of my entries end this way lately. But they are my keepers (that's what they think anyhow, and all my time is theirs).
Happy Bunny Day Ya'll!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Spent Friday and Saturday night on Antelope Island. It was fun, but cold and WINDY! Spent most of the time inside watching the sights out our kitchen window.
Oscar was delighted. He loves camper time because he gets a lot of one on one attention and more people food than is good for him. However he couldn't really fly much in the cammper and that really put a crimp in his fun. However he's making up for it now that we're home again. He flies around and around the house just for fun. Drives the cats crazy. Only bugs me when it's cage time and he doesn't agree.
I must have been craving fresh ginger when I went to the grocery store, everything we ate this weekend had ginger. Poor Scotty I don't think he enjoyed all of it.
Have had a migraine the last couple days...no fun. Not sure if it's a bug or side effect of the headaches but I've been running a fever too. I hate being sick. I hate not being in control of my pain. Pretty sure it's the stress too.
Talked with mom this afternoon. She's got a nasty cough but hasn't been to the doctor. Gee I don't know anyone like that...
My cousin Kim's in the hospital with a collapsed lung. She's been on kemo for a year now...there just isn't any really good news. They're checking her lung to see if they can remove the tumor, possibly the whole lung, but since the tumor started in her sinus they're being very careful about how much hope they give. Include her and her cute family in your prayers tonight.
I'm off to fill out more job apps and play the catnip game with Spazzy.
Live long and prosper!
Oscar was delighted. He loves camper time because he gets a lot of one on one attention and more people food than is good for him. However he couldn't really fly much in the cammper and that really put a crimp in his fun. However he's making up for it now that we're home again. He flies around and around the house just for fun. Drives the cats crazy. Only bugs me when it's cage time and he doesn't agree.
I must have been craving fresh ginger when I went to the grocery store, everything we ate this weekend had ginger. Poor Scotty I don't think he enjoyed all of it.
Have had a migraine the last couple days...no fun. Not sure if it's a bug or side effect of the headaches but I've been running a fever too. I hate being sick. I hate not being in control of my pain. Pretty sure it's the stress too.
Talked with mom this afternoon. She's got a nasty cough but hasn't been to the doctor. Gee I don't know anyone like that...
My cousin Kim's in the hospital with a collapsed lung. She's been on kemo for a year now...there just isn't any really good news. They're checking her lung to see if they can remove the tumor, possibly the whole lung, but since the tumor started in her sinus they're being very careful about how much hope they give. Include her and her cute family in your prayers tonight.
I'm off to fill out more job apps and play the catnip game with Spazzy.
Live long and prosper!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Awesome Day, no reason.
Just a good day.
Scotty didn't though. But tonight he made up for it. Loaded the camper all by himself while I was at the grocery store (usually it takes an hour at least and a LOT of patience, and some swearing from both of us). Then he made dinner, and here's the sound track:
"THUMP, thump ThumP, thump..." (banging things on the counter) then "K, that's it.
From now on, whenever I have to deal with the -tards I had to deal with today. We're making something with paillards."
Thought it was funny. And paillards were good (paillards are pounded flat chicken breasts).
Heard today that our good friends are on the road and headed north! Yipeee! we're looking forward to seeing them all, and having a good excuse to haul ourselves up Ogden Canyon on a regular basis.
Yahzi's just inspired Scott to help him start his own blog. Will be called KittahTumahEpiphanies and Spazz & Yahzi will co-author. They both have super talent for knowing when I'm doing something important and lending their help. I joke about it, but sometimes I actually have to take things they've ordered out of my Amazon shopping cart. Not quite as bad as Oscar chewing up my mice though. At least the cats mean well.
Abandoning them all this weekend though, looks like we're going camping hoooraaaayyyy! Might be a little chilly but it'll be fun.
Here's an oddity of the day, for some reason I'm craving Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons...no idea why. Perhaps we'll hit a video store on our way to the campground.
Yahzi's trying to help again. He's laying ON the mouse, and I think this face means "you're done now!"
Gonna go be obedient.
Ya'll take care and don't let any kitties drool on ya.
Scotty didn't though. But tonight he made up for it. Loaded the camper all by himself while I was at the grocery store (usually it takes an hour at least and a LOT of patience, and some swearing from both of us). Then he made dinner, and here's the sound track:
"THUMP, thump ThumP, thump..." (banging things on the counter) then "K, that's it.
From now on, whenever I have to deal with the -tards I had to deal with today. We're making something with paillards."
Thought it was funny. And paillards were good (paillards are pounded flat chicken breasts).
Heard today that our good friends are on the road and headed north! Yipeee! we're looking forward to seeing them all, and having a good excuse to haul ourselves up Ogden Canyon on a regular basis.
Yahzi's just inspired Scott to help him start his own blog. Will be called KittahTumahEpiphanies and Spazz & Yahzi will co-author. They both have super talent for knowing when I'm doing something important and lending their help. I joke about it, but sometimes I actually have to take things they've ordered out of my Amazon shopping cart. Not quite as bad as Oscar chewing up my mice though. At least the cats mean well.
Abandoning them all this weekend though, looks like we're going camping hoooraaaayyyy! Might be a little chilly but it'll be fun.
Here's an oddity of the day, for some reason I'm craving Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons...no idea why. Perhaps we'll hit a video store on our way to the campground.
Yahzi's trying to help again. He's laying ON the mouse, and I think this face means "you're done now!"
Ya'll take care and don't let any kitties drool on ya.
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