Scotty didn't though. But tonight he made up for it. Loaded the camper all by himself while I was at the grocery store (usually it takes an hour at least and a LOT of patience, and some swearing from both of us). Then he made dinner, and here's the sound track:
"THUMP, thump ThumP, thump..." (banging things on the counter) then "K, that's it.
From now on, whenever I have to deal with the -tards I had to deal with today. We're making something with paillards."
Thought it was funny. And paillards were good (paillards are pounded flat chicken breasts).
Heard today that our good friends are on the road and headed north! Yipeee! we're looking forward to seeing them all, and having a good excuse to haul ourselves up Ogden Canyon on a regular basis.
Yahzi's just inspired Scott to help him start his own blog. Will be called KittahTumahEpiphanies and Spazz & Yahzi will co-author. They both have super talent for knowing when I'm doing something important and lending their help. I joke about it, but sometimes I actually have to take things they've ordered out of my Amazon shopping cart. Not quite as bad as Oscar chewing up my mice though. At least the cats mean well.
Abandoning them all this weekend though, looks like we're going camping hoooraaaayyyy! Might be a little chilly but it'll be fun.
Here's an oddity of the day, for some reason I'm craving Rocky & Bullwinkle idea why. Perhaps we'll hit a video store on our way to the campground.
Yahzi's trying to help again. He's laying ON the mouse, and I think this face means "you're done now!"
Ya'll take care and don't let any kitties drool on ya.
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