Yesterday Oscar & I hung out in the back yard for an hour. It was lovely! He had a good chat with the wild birds (he's practicing how to do a quail call), and I fell asleep...and somehow sunburned the soles of my feet. I didn't know that was possible. With all my Lake Powell sunburns, I have never burned the bottoms of my feet. It is the most interesting sensation. Thank goodness I still have the burn turns to tan skin I enjoyed so much as a teenager. Anyhow, he jumped out of his bath tub, off of the table, and onto my head to wake me up before I burned more than my feet. Good Birdy. I sure am enjoying him having trimmed wings. He's still crazy, but less annoying.
Tonight while I was prepping camper meals (we're going to Antelope Island again this weekend) I called Royla and gave her some ham scraps. Next thing I know, Oscar jumps off his cage, waddles over there and starts pulling the scraps away from her and chasing her around. I expected her to be aggressive about it and go after him (she won't even let Spazzy steal her food), but she just kept ambling away and waiting till he got bored with it. Ham's not on his bad food list so I let him chew on it until he got bored. I'm still not leaving them together unattended, but I believe this is in fact proof that all the animals at my house are hopelessly confused. Yahzi thinks he's a baby, Spazzy thinks she's a superior being (she might be right), Oscar thinks he's a cat, and Royla...well I have a very hard time diagnosing her. And if they're that confused about themselves, I can't imagine what they think about their people. Good thing none of them have to survive in the wild. The standard response to danger at our house is to roll over and show your tummy. Well except for Oscar, he just bites the shit out of whatever's bugging him. Good strategy that, maybe I'll try it.
As I said we're camping again this weekend. Didn't have anything else planned, and couldn't come up with a reason not to. I think I enjoy these impromptu trips the most! Well impromptu in that we decided yesterday that we were going. Most people would consider any trip that involves a spread sheet NOT impromptu. But it keeps us efficient, and we don't bring home leftovers when I plan a menu & make a packing list. So whatever, I'll do what I want! As Scott says, years of Lake Powell packing have made me somewhat of an expert. That, and it's always a more pleasant trip when we don't remember three things we forgot on the way to the campground. Though the iron chef substitution moments are kind of fun in their own way.
Alright, I'm off to research blm land in utah and read Judy's blog.
Live long and prosper!
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