And feels like nothing to show for it. But there really is. Just nothing exciting.
I planted a bunch of seeds last Sunday, our kitchen window is filled with pots. If I haven't screwed up we should have catnip, mint, lavender, sweet peas, & plain ol grass.
I had the job interview Tuesday, it went well, I think (never can be sure). Haven't heard back from them. I've got two more lined up for Monday and Tuesday of next week. FINALLY! I am so relieved. Even if i don't get a job out of these interviews at least it's finally something. I am having a bit of a mental debate about rather I want a full time job or not. I hadn't considered it, but then I gave up and began applying for anything I qualified for, and one of these interviews is full I'm pretty sure I can handle it...but mom isn't. I try not to listen to her when she's being insecure for me, but the seeds of doubt are sown.
Got to do funeral flowers for the Emmer family, don't want to use the term "fun" but it's always nice to exercise my floral skills when there's no overlord glaring over my shoulder. And I like helping friends out (though it in no way repays all the favors I owe them).
Work is winding up for mothers day...I'm trying to be excited. At least I'll get a few more hours worth of pay. Woohooo. Good grief I need a better attitude!
Scotty's got his first flying lesson tomorrow. My skin crawls even thinking about it. I am terrified that something will go wrong and he'll get hurt or killed. I know it's safer than mortorcycling but I freak out about that too (yes this does make me hypocritical because I love biking). I guess it's cuz it scared the hell out of me when he lost his leg and I'm not sure I could deal with anything like that again. So, I'll be doing the worry dance the whole time he's up there. But it's something he wants and I will NOT be the kind of wife who tells him what he can and can't do. I'll just be the kind of wife who quietly has a nervous break down while he's flying. Hopefully it's something I can get over eventually.
Oscar & I had a nice adventure in the sunshine today. He came outside with me while I did a little carving (stress management). He played all kinds of games with his knotty toy (his favorite cage toy) and told the wild birds all about what a good boy he is and what kitties say, and , and, and. I don't think the wild birds really appreciated his story, but he seemed to enjoy all their responses. Spazzy however did not enjoy our adventure. She guarded us from the back door the whole time we were outside. At one point she and Oscar had a very detailed meow conversation about how scary it outside is. From my clumsy human interpretation, he thinks outside is just fine, and she thinks it's terrifying and no one should ever go out there.
I'm worried about Yahzi's Uncle Russ. I haven't heard from him all day (that's unusual) and Judy's blog says he hurt his back this morning. Hurt backs are no fun! They're supposed to be driving north tomorrow so a hurt back could be all the more frustrating. Hopefully I hear from him soon. In the mean time I'll worry and send positive energy.
Mnkay, gonna go try to get some rest and try not to freak out about Scotty's plans for tomorrow. Wish me luck.
I didn't know you had a blog. I got your address from Dixies family e-mail. Love your hair!