Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Life's full of ups and down, and we've had both lately.

Scott's mom's back in the hospital, things aren't too shiny & we're all worried.  As usual Mathew's a far better child than either Scott or I, but we're all coping in our own way.

I had an AMAZING stomach bug this weekend, and spent most of it horizontal doing everything within my power NOT to puke.  Good news is I'm feeling much better today, and actually got to sleep last night.

Thom & Judy moved into the parking lot at work late last week, and I'm LOVING having them there!  I get several visits a day, and even get to see Willow quite often.  I love that puppy!  Oscar had a brief visit with McCuy & Lymon he and McCuy look and sometimes act so much alike and yet have such DIFFERENT personalities.  They're both very interested in each other.  Tomorrow I'm taking my little green beast with me to work, and we'll see about another visit.

Works been a delightful mixture of busy & slow.  There's no telling what's going to happen from one day to the next, but there's plenty to keep us busy so we don't worry much.

Sider Kitty is fitting in nicely, he's going to be a good addition to our family.  Spazz & Yahzi seem to be growing tolerance for his 'punk' attitude.  He'll learn.

Several of our good friends were threatened by the fire that started at Camp Williams yesterday.  Fortunately they've been safe so far.  We're still thinking of them and keeping up our hopes and prayers.  Fire is a scary powerful thing.

I'm off to keep smiling and giving the world my best.

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