I honestly can't think of anything I'm celebrating. But it seemed like a better mood to start on than I've come up with lately...
Work's predictably frantic...I'm pretty sure it's just all of us trying to figure out how to stress out about not having our usual slow season. We'll manage.
My personal pain patterns have rocketed. I'm sure it's the weather (barometer always gets me). Even still, it sucks!!! But I'm whining, and that's not cool. Most days I'm pretty good at blocking the ouch, and my life is exactly where I want to be. So I'm not gonna complain.
Sider is cuter than ever...every day he gives me a new reason to think maybe he's found his forever home. But he still isn't my cat...sorta funny that. He loves getting skritches from me, but when I'm not dispensing them he wants nothin to do with me. Scott's his people, and he'd rather sit and guard him than be near me. Guess it's fair. He's so much the punk kid brother to Yahzi & spazz, he'll mimic anything they do even when he doesn't understand why.
Happy Wednesday.
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