Today was only mildly busy & I FINALLY got a chance to go visit with Lynn. She's doing AMAZING, not ideal or rosy, but honestly ok. My favorite example of this is when we were swapping stories about Mason and she stomped her foot while imitating him, the whole floor shook and both dogs jumped! If she's strong enough for that, I have all kinds of hope for her healing quickly. Aunty Cheryl is here for a few more days, and as always visiting with her was wonderful. Also I discovered she has a facebook! I know, it means I'm a freak cuz I find it so much easier and less stressful to keep up with all the people I care about via FB. It's not cuz I don't care, it's cuz I hate to bug people when they might be busy. I love hearing about the ups and downs and not having to bug anyone.
Lynn gave me guilt trip tonight about not blogging, I AM SORRY. Honestly it's had a lot to do with all the negative emotions I had this summer during my constructive termination from AL&L. I was so unhappy I didn't want to share. I've gone through most of the stages of grieving for a job I loved (not that I won't miss the people still). So hopefully I can share now and not hate doing it.
Thom & Judy have been in the parking lot of Tulip Tree for most of 2 weeks, IT'S AWESOME! The parking lot, and my day are going to seem a lot more empty when they move on. It's been a wonderful surprise every day to share our lives. Also, Adda has more people to boss, watch, and worry over. That's rarely a bad thing. Scott & I have had several wonderful visits and dinners with them. Today they brought me a catnip plant from Mike & Tiffs house! Kitties are gonna be so delighted! Though I may have to keep the plant at work and just bring home's a pic of Royla from last year when Judy brought her a bag full of leaves
Taking Oscar for wing trimming first thing in the morning, still gotta look up the vet's address cuz somehow I've only got the old one...and it's already late.
be well!
Hi there! I am glad to get to catch up with you a bit. I am glad things are good. love you!