Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Temporary Disabled Employee Motorcycle Parking.

Them- "Now this is for your pontiac."
Me~"Yes, but let's make sure it's for the right one, because I have two."
-"Well this is for the employee one."
~"They're both employee."
-"The disabled one"
~"They're both disabled"
-"I better look at your registration again"
paperwork changes hands,
-"This says Mauren, we have this vehicle under Mari Brown"
~"yes when they set up my employee info they put me in under the name I go by.  My license says Mauren"
-"I'm going to need to see your id"
I hand them back my license (they had it moments ago to photocopy with my disabled permit)
-"This has to be changed in the computer so that it matches the tag"
I'm handed back my  ID & registration.
~"I also commute on my motorcycle & need to make sure I won't be ticketed for parking that in the disabled parking."
(I knew this one was gonna be a brain twister for them)
-"uh......" walks around cubicle to next desk...."are motorcycles allowed to park in disabled stalls?"
eventually supervisor walks out hands on hips "you're not going to be able to use this tag on a motorcycle."
after a long pause, & in a very calm voice ~"ok, well I need to be able to ride my bike to work, & by state law you're required to accommodate..."
supervisor "Don't rip my head off!"
I know they've found a way to honor Scott's permit though they don't like doing it, so I didn't give up, just waited for them the admit there were options.
-"We'll just have to link this to your car permit."
~mouth shut still waiting
supervisor walks behind counter to watch over shoulder of person doing my paperwork
-"now this is for the honda?"
~"yes, it's for the silverwing"
-"The honda?"
supervisor begins glaring
~"Ok, I know this is confusing, at my residence there are two college employee's both of whom are disabled, both of whom drive a pontiac car, and a honda bike."
-"I need to see your registration & id"
and it was just as fabulous as that all the way through.  I was eventually able to exit their office with the correct paperwork (I hope) & the supervisor reminding me that IF I ever drive Scott's car to work I will be ticketed unless I bring his registration into their office first so that it can be listed under MY disabled tag also.

I'm fairly certain that either Scott or I is going to wind up with some sort of ticket in the near future simply because of all the crisscrossing & information changing they were doing in the computer.

Seriously, this is your JOB, you get paid to do this (prolly get paid quite a bit too).  It may suck, you prolly get to deal with some really pissy people who don't want to pay for their tickets.  That's not me, I'm here patiently trying to insure that I don't get a ticket. DUH!  Yes you have never handled this particular situation before, I'm willing to bring you whatever paperwork you need (within reason) to process this.  State law requires you to come up with some way of processing it.  I am not going to disappear because you're grumpy & I make your life inconvenient.

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