Monday, March 22, 2010

Not too bad for a Monday

So the other night I had a dream where my dad & I were wandering around and visiting and suddenly I realized he had blue highlights instead of salt and pepper colors in his hair like he usually does. I'm sure that means something important subliminally, but it made me smile, so I'm sharing it with y'all.

Today I got to have lunch with Joffree, it was fun as usual, and we ate at her work Sakana ( really good sushi, though I was a bit of a wimp and only ordered the fried and cooked versions. After we stopped by Lisa's work and had a good visit with her. I miss those girls! Joffree promises that she and Spencer will come camping again this summer. Perhaps I'll even get a chance to float the river with them.

Tulip Tree is the usual crowded hubub that has become our daily life. None of us can wait for it to be over! But we keep reminding ourselves how VERY lucky we were, and how NICE it will be to have a fresh start. In an effort to make our return to the shop easier we've set up a one box a day rule. Each of us goes through and cleans/labels/trashes a box every day. Hopefully by the time we move home again we'll be a lot more organized, and in the meantime we'll be slightly less crowded.

Oscar has come into his "terrible two" stage I think. He doesn't like work, doesn't like home, doesn't want anything to do with anything, and has drawn blood more days than not lately. I sure hope this ends soon! He has a new favorite food, Apples. He LOVES apples. That's the only part of the day where I can get him to be a good bird. I openly admit to bribing him when I just can't deal with any more biting or screaming. A slice of apple and a good game of peek-a-boo gets me about 20 minutes of peace and quiet.

My plans for getting to the canyon are advancing. Scott's working on the few necessary repairs on the camper (our outside shower was damaged during our Quartzsite trip this year, wiring on one of the camper jacks wasn't right, etc). I was hoping to get in a couple wherever camping trips before I head for Willows, but April's beginning to seem like an awfully short month...we'll see. I'm excited to camp host again, but I'm really gonna miss the Tulip Tree.

I have the best jobs! Seriously, I get to do two things I love, & get paid for it. I'll never get rich, but I look forward every day to going to work, and never have a day where something doesn't make me smile.

Yahzi just came to tell me that it's his turn to have my attention. Since he's so very cute and snuggly I'm gonna indulge him.
Hope you all had an awesome Monday as well.

Friday, March 19, 2010

My My How Time Flies

Seems like all I do is Work, scramble to run all my errands, and sleep. Oh well. Such is the stuff of life. There are no grand developments in our life. Though I did have a really cool dream about how to remodel our bathroom...perhaps that's the next project.

My next big project is Steph Lamb's wedding. Most of the details are beginning to pull together, and hopefully soon I'll have a solid list of exactly what needs to be done on my part. It's gonna be a fun day for all of us.

I'm having one heck of a time stringing thoughts together tonight, and Oscar says it's HIS turn for my attention. I'll try to update again soon with better content.
Be well.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A few pics

These are just a few quick snaps I got with my phone. I'll add more later. Exhausted tonight.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Quick Check In

Tomorrow is Lyndie & Kevin's wedding. I'm very much looking forward to good times with my Hillyard folk! I miss being close to them all! I've been a bit involved with the details via Mom and tagged along on a few of the shopping errands here in SLC. They're a cute couple, and I'm looking forward to watching them grow up together.

My good friend Steffy (Stephani) Lamb is getting married next month and I'm one of the official helpers. It's a lot of fun to help her put things together.

Work's still crowded, only slightly more organized, and only occasionally grumpy. However we have learned that if one of us has a bad day in that space, all of us do. I suppose that makes sense and it's a good thing we're all used to cheering each other up.

I'll try to post some pics from tomorrow.
be good y'all!
and if ya can't do that at least have fun!

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Smoke is Clearing

But we're still putting out fires!

Craziness, we've been completely out of our other space and working in the tulip tree too for 2 weeks now. It's crowded, disorganized, grumpy, and best of all TEMPORARY.

Strangely everyone who suggests a new plan for the shop has nearly the same idea...that's good I suppose. I've made a paper doll setup sheet for us to share designs with and I believe that when things come together we'll all be very comfortable. It's just the getting there that's gonna be a bit of work and a lot of patience.

Adda & I went to Wendover Wedneday. Neither of us won this time, but then I didn't expect to. We had fun, did some relaxing and ate terrific beat salad (we both groov on the beets at the buffet). Those Bendover days are becoming one of my favorite parts of the mandatory Tulip Tree lifestyle :)

On the opposite side of my life Scott & I have realized that we have 2 months to plan, pack, and move into the campground. It's gonna be better than last year just because it's considerably more organized! I'm gonna miss my flower folk, but I'm selfish enough to do this. Besides, also I miss my camping folk! I fully realize how spoiled rotten I am, but I'm OWNING it and ROCKING it for another year! Besides, I gotta let my floral peeps cash in on some of my camping perks!

Scott & I are finally nesting into our house. A week or so ago we had a conversation in which it became apparent that we are not moving for a while...this wasn't a surprise so much as an acknowledgment of reality. We only planned on 5 years when we bought the house, but it's been 8 and where would we move to?!? It's horribly convenient for both of us. I do intend to keep tabs on local availability, but don't have hopes of anything we would afford opening up. So we're making this house be more of what we want. Besides, it already looks like a florist lives here RIGHT? Apparently book shelves were mandatory...such a small thing really. Bless IKEA, and we mostly agreed on style (I'll get my shelves later on).

Scott's setting up a fish tank. Our remaining river fish have new friends and a bigger house. Larry the intake surfing daredevil continues to reign supreme. The old pros seem to be helping the newbies figure out the rules rather quickly. I miss the round table (our three giant gold fish) but like the new guys too. I've yet to come up with a clever name for them, probably something borg-ish.

I let the tags on my car go out of registration and am stuck driving the rumble car. Scott REALLY NEEDS A MUFFLER, and no it doesn't count that he has the one that fell off sitting in the side yard! I miss my purple monster! Even our evil step child Chris wondered how he deals with the noise every day. I feel very validated. I offered Chris the headphones Scott makes me wear when I complain, he just looked at me funny...I must need to work on my dirty looks.

Off to bed now, happy weekend y'all!