Monday, March 22, 2010

Not too bad for a Monday

So the other night I had a dream where my dad & I were wandering around and visiting and suddenly I realized he had blue highlights instead of salt and pepper colors in his hair like he usually does. I'm sure that means something important subliminally, but it made me smile, so I'm sharing it with y'all.

Today I got to have lunch with Joffree, it was fun as usual, and we ate at her work Sakana ( really good sushi, though I was a bit of a wimp and only ordered the fried and cooked versions. After we stopped by Lisa's work and had a good visit with her. I miss those girls! Joffree promises that she and Spencer will come camping again this summer. Perhaps I'll even get a chance to float the river with them.

Tulip Tree is the usual crowded hubub that has become our daily life. None of us can wait for it to be over! But we keep reminding ourselves how VERY lucky we were, and how NICE it will be to have a fresh start. In an effort to make our return to the shop easier we've set up a one box a day rule. Each of us goes through and cleans/labels/trashes a box every day. Hopefully by the time we move home again we'll be a lot more organized, and in the meantime we'll be slightly less crowded.

Oscar has come into his "terrible two" stage I think. He doesn't like work, doesn't like home, doesn't want anything to do with anything, and has drawn blood more days than not lately. I sure hope this ends soon! He has a new favorite food, Apples. He LOVES apples. That's the only part of the day where I can get him to be a good bird. I openly admit to bribing him when I just can't deal with any more biting or screaming. A slice of apple and a good game of peek-a-boo gets me about 20 minutes of peace and quiet.

My plans for getting to the canyon are advancing. Scott's working on the few necessary repairs on the camper (our outside shower was damaged during our Quartzsite trip this year, wiring on one of the camper jacks wasn't right, etc). I was hoping to get in a couple wherever camping trips before I head for Willows, but April's beginning to seem like an awfully short month...we'll see. I'm excited to camp host again, but I'm really gonna miss the Tulip Tree.

I have the best jobs! Seriously, I get to do two things I love, & get paid for it. I'll never get rich, but I look forward every day to going to work, and never have a day where something doesn't make me smile.

Yahzi just came to tell me that it's his turn to have my attention. Since he's so very cute and snuggly I'm gonna indulge him.
Hope you all had an awesome Monday as well.

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