Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Calm Amidst The Storm

I've promised Scotty not to become the insane blogger who writes down every detail of their day. So in posting two days in a row I put myself at risk of breaking that promise, but...I'm gonna anyway. Partly cuz I've been amazed at how many people followed the link and gave me encouragement. I really didn't mean to sound so down...but I was. And today I'm not. So I'll post a happy note.

I'm sitting comfy on the couch with the bird being quiet for once, a kitty snuggled on my feet, and a fresh from the oven orange chocolate chip oatmeal cookie in my hand. That has to make top ten on the happy places list. Slept in, woke up not miserable from my cold, went to lunch with Mom & Glenn *Thai Food* (I'm helping them expand their food experiences beyond golden coral and maddox, not that those don't rock).

Mom saw her radiation doctor today (apparently this is going to happen every monday while she's having radiation) he's pleased with how the treatment is going, not too much radiation in her lungs and heart, lots in the tumor. She's doing well, the only major symptom she's having yet is fatigue. That may change later, but for now, she's doing well and doesn't need the steroids they thought they might need to give her. Hopefully things continue on as they are. Glenn isn't working this week and so will shuffle her back and forth in the bad weather, that helps me worry less. Also Glenn's son Brian says they can track and write off the miles they have to drive for her treatment. So yippee.

Anyhow, good day. Found out I'm still in the running for the job I really want over at the college (applied back in december for it, but hiring there works slowly Scott says) so that's good too. Scotty got to go to a big IT, Engineering, CS, meeting where nothing exploded and he didn't get fired, so that's good too. Poor boy, he really hates having to deal with drama. Can't say I blame him.

And now I plan to grab another cookie, pour a drink and sit back to watch some random movie on hulu...or tv, I am in front of the tv and the laptop speakers suck. Should have taken the usb speakers Russ offered me....anyhow I am now blogging every tiny thought, and i promised not to do that. So I'm stopping. I shall not post again until ...Friday....probably.

Live Long and Prosper!


  1. I am one of the ones who followed your link! I don't know if you remember me but we went to school together. I am on Kaylene's friend list too. So come and check out my blog if you want!


  2. Yay! Glad to see things are looking up! (((HUGS)))
