Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Just in case anyone still reads this silly blog.
I've somehow been overflowing with stress and negative the last few weeks.  Pretty sure I know the source.  I'm doing what I can and very thankful to Scott who is an excellent example/counselor when it comes to shedding stress dumped on you by others.  I am learning many techniques & finding what can work for me (I'm not nearly as good at it as him).

Let's see, the cars had a pitty party, I believe I've mentioned that.  The Hillyards had floral tribute funeral flower day for Kim.  It was a beautiful (if cold) day and it is always amazing how working on something that intensely personal & just being together is just comforting to the heart at a time like that.  I burned up all of my upright time getting the tributes done & working what I needed to in order to get the time off I needed, so I missed the funeral.  I felt horrible, still do, but I'm hoping that everyone understands when I say if I had to choose between the flower day when I'm useful & involved or the funeral day when I sit on the sidelines and mostly just feel useless.  I'd choose the flower day every time.   Not that I wouldn't rather be to both.  But if I only get one, I'm glad it was when I could DO!

I spent a full weekend forcing myself not to aggravate my spine, mostly kitty time.  We put a bit o' effort into repairing and researching cars, I rode my bike a bit &WASHED IT! 

This weekend we hauled ourselves to Antelope Island where we camped next to a bunch of cub scouts who set up their tents while wearing bicycle helmets, and had next to no respect for boundaries.  Their tents started blowing away around 11:30pm and we felt they were much better neighbors after that.  Also there was just enough snow to make it an adventure.

The tulips, grape hyacinth, and daffodils in my yard are out.  I LOVE bulbs.  One of these days I'm going to haul off and plant a whole plethora of mixed bulbs just for the fun of watching them come up.

Which brings us current to today.  Work is gearing up for Mother's day.  Today has been on the calendar as a day I needed off for a month plus.  Yesterday I was informed that me being gone was a major inconvenience (too bad they couldn't say that a month ago when they approved the time off).  So I dropped my plans shuffled everything and went to work early.  With absolutely no acknowledgment of my efforts, and a miserable environment to work in.  Needless to say I did not have a great day.  But when I got home I was able to spend a bit of time with a very clever & cuddly Oscar, spend some time with Scott in the back yard mowing our ridiculous lawn.  Both things I've been guiting myself about.  I've since managed to break the microwave, research it's repair, and absorb the mandatory quantity of Spazz drool for one night.  So yay.  Prolly gonna have a whole week like that and be expected to be thankful for it, don't that sound like fun?

Let's see, Scott & Kirk are planning to tear apart the transmission of his car in our garage this weekend, Mom's putting together commencement flowers and favors, and Health Days is on my birthday so I'm planning a rain compatible celebration.  That's a fairly condensed explanation of the last few weeks, and I make no promises of an update until after M-day. 

Live Long & Prosper.

1 comment:

  1. Well, in spite of the downer side of all the news, you still managed to leave an "upbeat" taste in the readers mouth, or should i say eye. I think it was the treatise on spring bulbs and all the kitty/oscar cuddles. Remember what I told you about your career, seems like the wind is changing again. "Just stay flexible" to quote a current boss.
