Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Not Broken Anymore!?!

Don't know why but the login bar for blogger has been unavailable on my computer for a couple weeks.  Dunno why, but logging on while at mom's this weekend somehow changed things and I'm back!  There's prolly a serious technical issue behind it all, but as long as it's done pissing me off I'm willing to forgive and forget.

Scott just asked "Is that your blog I hear?" he was trying to chatter to me and I was distracted with key clicks.  Yes! and I've missed it.  So here's the short story of pertinent details since my b-day.

We went to Lava, stayed at AuraSomaLava next door to Randy, Ashlee, Chuck, Penny, Steve, Susan, Max, Zoey, & Tessa (the last 3 are dogs). It was a lot of fun, mostly relaxing and good times....
other than....The weather; Off & On hail, rain, thunder, high wind; the resort's hot pool was out of order from the flooding,  the STUPID people at the state hot pools who confiscated Scott's crutches while we were swimming "because we didn't want kids to mess with them" and then expected him to HOP to the office to collect them (they yelled at me and nearly didn't let me collect them for him); and then my back being generally pissy whole time. 
We did have an exceptional motorcycle virgin transport adventure, and then carpeted the trailer with little hassle and discomfort while we were there.  We biked around a bit, I broke in my shiny new helmet, & found the RIGHT fairy sticker for it.

Earlier this week I wandered around at Lowe's and found some perennials I just had to have.  We planted them along with the sprinkler set we bought just before I went camp-hostining 2 years ago and everything went on hold.  We now have lilacs, russian sage, verbena...& I love it!

This weekend Scott was feeling a bit put out from all the coming and going we've done lately.  So I went north to create 19 carnation puppies with mom.  We started with 17 white puppies and 2 pink ones (the supplier was out of white).  They were real cute, but then we tried out the JFF flower dye, and they got even cuter!  We made one of every color, and a few custom colored pups. 

Spending the weekend with Mom was nice.  It's been a long time since I got to do something other than be a florist for Memorial Day.  We talked, did silly daily details, and just sleeping in my old room with the familiar sounds of rain on the roof was plain ol' pleasant.

Yesterday while I was enjoying peaceful time with Mom & Glenn (I think I've talked her into letting him have a Shnorkie *Shnouzer-Yorkie* pup), Scott somehow managed to throw his back out (please note it was was not part of  my demanding wife weekend adventures).  So today I split my pleasant though rainy memorial time with guilt and came home to fetch ibuprofen and massage soar muscles.  Not to consider the kittah and
Birdah guilt!

Good thing The Christensen Ranchette is my other home to go to.  I visited there last night and was summarily accosted by Sambo the the lil' black kittah (we met back a christmas & he remembers me).  While we were negotiating tummy skritches Eric & Josie brought Poco the new Yorkie-Shitzu pup home.  Needless to say Poco & I are now buddies.  I am a soft touch.  I anyone ever doubts this send a helpless furry critter to snuggle me.  They always win.

So I'm back, I'm behind, I'm hoping that tomorrow when I want to update the login bar is still there.  Wish me luck!

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