Tuesday, November 3, 2009

*cough* HACK grrrrrrrrr.

I love my job, I love the people I work with, I love their dedication and mentality...but I don't love that they come to work even when they're sick. Cuz then we ALL get sick. I don't like being sick. Just not one of the things I enjoy sharing. Sorry. But I guess as complaints go that one's minor.

But I spent an hour tonight chasing Oscar around the neighborhood (yep it's wing trimming time again!!!!) and calling his name the whole time while loosing my voice and coughing. I'm more than a little GRUMPY! But it didn't kill me, so it must have made me stronger.

I have to take a second to tell y'all about this awesome new friend I have. His name is Chris, and he's like no other teenager I've ever known, except for Jamie maybe...Anyhow he's awesome. He works odd jobs at Tulip Tree and we all adore him there, but he's also done a few jobs here at home for Scott & I. He also helped me chase idiot bird for an hour tonight. He's just a good kid. So from here on in you might hear a bit about Chris, cuz I'm keepin' him.

We've been busy, Scott works on Shedzilla every chance he gets. Thanks to Chris' help there is electricity! & Kirk's offered to help him put up siding. It's entirely possible that before weather flies we'll have a finished product. I'm more busy than I like to be, and can't keep track of what I'm doing with my time...why is that? Work, home, cooking, cleaning (when possible), and then as much sleep as I can find.

We had a good time Friday at the annual Halloween party. Randy and Ashlee always make it memorable, and this year was no exception. They introduced us to a new food addiction "Kolaches" they're like calzones/bagels/sandwiches...hard to explain, but YUMMY. I neglected to get photos of our costumes, but they were awesome. The theme was Redneck/White Trash, so we mostly just went as ourselves.

Just in case you haven't heard, Scott has decide that he isn't having a birthday next week. 40 is just not an option for him, so he's skipping it. Guess we'll have to send his presents back and throw away the party favors. Poor baby, I keep telling him he's only as old as he feels, but he must not believe me.

I suppose it's time for me to start thinking about christmas shopping...oh dear. I love giving gifts, but less and less enjoy the shopping process. Seems like that ought to be a shame.
Amazon here I come!!!!

y'all keep smilin & shufflin!

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