Monday, April 6, 2009


Spent Friday and Saturday night on Antelope Island. It was fun, but cold and WINDY! Spent most of the time inside watching the sights out our kitchen window.

Oscar was delighted. He loves camper time because he gets a lot of one on one attention and more people food than is good for him. However he couldn't really fly much in the cammper and that really put a crimp in his fun. However he's making up for it now that we're home again. He flies around and around the house just for fun. Drives the cats crazy. Only bugs me when it's cage time and he doesn't agree.

I must have been craving fresh ginger when I went to the grocery store, everything we ate this weekend had ginger. Poor Scotty I don't think he enjoyed all of it.

Have had a migraine the last couple fun. Not sure if it's a bug or side effect of the headaches but I've been running a fever too. I hate being sick. I hate not being in control of my pain. Pretty sure it's the stress too.

Talked with mom this afternoon. She's got a nasty cough but hasn't been to the doctor. Gee I don't know anyone like that...

My cousin Kim's in the hospital with a collapsed lung. She's been on kemo for a year now...there just isn't any really good news. They're checking her lung to see if they can remove the tumor, possibly the whole lung, but since the tumor started in her sinus they're being very careful about how much hope they give. Include her and her cute family in your prayers tonight.

I'm off to fill out more job apps and play the catnip game with Spazzy.

Live long and prosper!

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