Friday, April 10, 2009

Hippity Hop Hop

Just got home from the hospital. Kim's doing really well. She's still a bit of a pin cushion with tubes going in and out of her lung, but she's recovering faster than other patients who've had the same procedure. This is fantastic news. I had an awesome visit and almost feel bad that it had to happen while she's in a hospital bed. But that's just almost, it was fun and I probably stayed too long.

I was up until 3:00am last night finishing Raechel Rust's wedding flowers. Yesterday was just one of those days. All day long. But the flowers turned out awesome, and even I loved them (sad how many I don't love). Can't believe little Raechel is all grown up....that's just crazy! It makes me feel old. Lyndie's in college, Jamie's driving, Kelcee's chasing's all just crazy.

Oscar is driving me nuts!!! He can fly now and thinks it's fun to make me chase him back and forth. We are going to the wing choppers next week for sure. Still can't decide rather to go to the same place Judy takes her birds, or to have his vet do it this first time....every time I make up my mind I change it again. I just know I'm sick of chasing, sick of not being able to cage him when I need to. Sick of him crash landing in my hair!!!

It's Kitty Bird birthday this week. Everbody put on hats and get out the whistles and confetti. Well maybe not hats, just snuggle blankets. And not whistles just rubber bands and twist ties. And not confetti, just catnip. Either way, that's just what does it for them.

Heard from my nomad family, they're getting ready for the next push north. Very soon they will be here!! Can't wait, and just might haul south to camp with them before they get this far. Depends on the weather and how many projects we can get done.

Scott and I are finally ready to face our mandatory bathroom renovations. It's all needed to happen for a while but was too big a project to take on. Now it's too big a project NOT to take on. Funny how that works. I've been measuring, and plotting, and sketching and researching, and re measuring, and .... all week. We've got the master bath figured out, but I'm stalled on the hallway bath. Can not find a bathtub we like. I know I'm ridiculously picky about some things, but I'm really not being about this, just can't find the right kind of tub in that size. Grrrr. Anyhow must have a plan for both before we can start on either, so that project isn't gonna get done any time soon. Maybe if we watch enough episodes of "bathtastic" the right thing will magically appear. Can't hurt to pretend. Well can, but doesn't yet.

Oscar says "Meow meow, Bawky Bawky." that's a direct quote. It means (I think) "Me attention NOW." and Yahzi's laying ON the mouse again. Seems like most of my entries end this way lately. But they are my keepers (that's what they think anyhow, and all my time is theirs).

Happy Bunny Day Ya'll!

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