Friday, January 22, 2010

Broken just like a hot dog...

Yet another whirlwind! I mean well but just don't get around to blogging at the end of the day.

Scotty managed to step on his own toe (when you think about it that's really rather spectacular). The "specialist" says to leave it alone and don't move it for a month. As you can imagine he's just delighted with that and perfectly happy to sit doing nothing for a month...NOT! We're coping.

Work's been it's own kind of special...not sure why. I think we're all in denial that February 14th looms before us (we shall not say the V word). I'm also contemplating preparations for heading to the campground for the summer. I can't wait, but I'm really gonna miss the Tulip Tree. They're my home, and I LOVE going there every day, and for most of 4 months I'm gonna be away from them. Fortunately they've all promised to come visit (Adda says she's gonna stay with me and fish), we'll see. My faith in people coming to visit/see me is somewhat hazy after last summer.

Except of course for my camp friends! I can't wait to see my campers. The Whitmans (I love those crazy NY folks), the yorkie people (yes I know their name, but they are forever remembered because of their puppies who were born in my campground), Jen & John with the rotty river tubing expedition, Ricky & Danny (bless the shovel boys!), and so many memorable others! Willows Campground HERE I COME! This year I shall know what I'm getting into, put up with less shit from pushy folk, make the jerks follow rules or get out, be a bit more patient with idiots *or not*, and enjoy every moment I can. I don't think I'll be doing it again the next year. There are too many other places we want to camp. I love work camping, and it's good money, but I don't get to see anything else. But I reserve the right to change my mind again. :)

Tonight Lynn found us. It's been my goal all week to find her (yes I feel horrible and she probably shouldn't forgive me, but she will cuz she's Lynn) and tonight there she was. YAY. There's a possibility that she'll get to go home tomorrow, and next week I'll get an opportunity to spend time with her a couple days as her 'babysitter'. Aw shucks! Maybe I'll show her how to make a wire palm tree.

It's late, I can't string more thoughts together. More soon.
Peace on earth, Love to all.


  1. Do you have pics of your wire palm trees? They sound fun! I have made wire quakies that I would love even more if I had the right wire. Fun to check in here once in a while!

  2. No pics, but I'll be happy to take some. Mine are a bit odd to date since I made them out of red magnet wire, but i love them. Pics soon! Thanks Marnie!
