Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Enough with the rain already!

Seriously! I have mushrooms growing on my front porch. The birds are eating all of my sweet cherries as they ripen. I am so very ready for some sunshine!

We're headed back up Ogden canyon this weekend. Even if it's still raining, at least it'll be a change of scenery. Russ has scouted out a couple of good hammock trees for me (that was the one thing I didn't love about camping with T&J). I plan to spend an hour in my hammock even if I have to string up a tarp to make it happen.

Over the weekend we finished the cat trimming, and to my surprise, Royla was the only one who pitched a tantrum about it. Both Yahzi & Spazz purred the whole time. I'm sure they were comforting themselves, but Yahzi actually rolled onto his back and held still while we did his tummy. They don't look like fancy photo cats, but all three seem way more comfortable with their short hair.

Oscar is on the other end of the couch being Scott's bestest buddy. This is a recipe for disaster. I'd better go stuporvise!

Y'all take care!

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