Monday, March 14, 2011

Found my rainbow.

When I logged on just now I was here to do one thing; delete my blog.  And in the last 60 seconds I've laughed, cried, and for now changed my mind.  I guess I should start by stating that my bad day started around 2am last night and has only gone downhill.  I've gone from angry to disgusted, to numb & back several times over.  I don't want to go into details, and it's not any specific thing or person, it's just everything.  I think I just hit bottom & bounced hard. I only started to feel at all better when the tears started rolling.

While I was looking for the right place to begin the process of deleting I was notified that I had one comment waiting to be published.  Since I haven't posted lately, and what posts I've made have been mostly whiny I was surprised. Marnie, thanks.  Your comment helped me remember why I blog.  I had to go back and re-read my post to remember what it was about.  Remembering that good day helped center me.   Writing out my thoughts sometimes helps me focus on the positive.

Gotta go do something  mindless that doesn't involve pain for a bit now.

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